Monday 15 December 2014

MP and School Celebrate Success of Cadet Force Campaign

MP and School Celebrate Success of Cadet Force Campaign

Fiona Bruce and Sandbach Boys School are celebrating the success of their campaign to secure the future of the combined cadet force at Sandbach School which was under threat as a result of Government funding changes.

Fiona Bruce saidThe Sandbach Combined Cadet Force make an invaluable contribution to the life of the Sandbach Community as well as offering the young people who are members an opportunity to develop vital life skills. I am always tremendously impressed at the positive example which cadets from across my constituency provide, and there is therefore no doubt in my mind that these proposals needed to be fought vigorously.”

Fiona Bruce raised the issue in Parliament at Defence Question Time as well as writing to and speaking with Ministers directly on this issue.

Sarah Burns, Headteacher of Sandbach Boys School said this weekThere is deep appreciation from Sandbach Boys School to our MP, Fiona Bruce, for the urgent action she took in raising the threat of closure of Sandbach Boys School Combined Cadet Force with Ministers at Question Time.
Without Fiona’s actions our Cadet Force and its contribution to the town could well have been lost’.

In a letter from the Ministry of Defence this week, Anna Soubry, Minister of State for Defence Personnel, Welfare and Veterans told Fiona Bruce “The Defence Secretary has decided not to proceed with the proposal and instead has decided that the current funding regime will continue to apply. I hope you will agree that this is an excellent outcome.”