Wednesday 10 December 2014

Fiona Bruce MP dresses festive for Save the Children’s Christmas Jumper Day

Fiona Bruce MP dresses festive for Save the Children’s Christmas Jumper Day

Fiona Bruce MP has popped on a pullover and posed for a festive photograph to support for Save the Children’s Christmas Jumper Day campaign.

For the third year running, Save the Children's Christmas Jumper Day asks people to wear a Christmas jumper, take a photograph and donate to their campaign with their aim to 'make the world better with a sweater’! 

Fiona Bruce said:
"I'm delighted to support Save the Children to help raise funds for its vital work in the UK and around the world, and what better way to do this than to get into the festive spirit and take part in their Christmas Jumper Day campaign.”

Save the Children is asking supporters to support their Christmas Jumper Day on Friday 12 December by wearing a Christmas Jumper, encouraging their family and friends to do the same and to donate! For grown-ups the suggested donation is £2 and for school children it’s £1, and to recognise this generous support, the government will double all money raised - matching every pound donated. To take part donate via text message, please text JUMPER to 70050 to donate £2 straight to Save the Children.

 All money raised from Christmas Jumper Day will go towards helping the most vulnerable children in the world.

The money raised from Christmas Jumper Day will help to save lives in some of the toughest parts of the world, and give children living in poverty here in the UK the chance to fulfil their potential. Just £1 could buy antibiotics to treat three newborn babies with potentially deadly infections and £2 could buy 18 sachets of oral rehydration treatment for children suffering from life-threatening diarrhoea. And with match funding from the government this year, donations could help twice as many children.