Monday 22 December 2014

Modern Day Slavery

Fiona Bruce MP continues to campaign against Modern Day Slavery

Fiona Bruce MP who has been working in Parliament on the Modern Day Slavery Bill said:

I would like to take this opportunity to wish you a Happy Christmas and a peaceful New Year, but I also thought you might be particularly interested in the work the Government is doing to tackle one of the most despicable of crimes - modern slavery.

One of the most important things I’ve worked on this year is the Modern Day Slavery Bill, sitting on over 20 Committee session helping draft this Bill to combat the scourage of human trafficking. This has been a real privilege.”

Modern slavery is an international problem that requires cross-border action, but it is happening in Britain today and the help of charities, local community organisations and churches is also vital in raising awareness of this terrible crime - and also in providing much needed support to the victims.

Recognising the importance of stamping out this scourge on our society, the Government has introduced a Modern Slavery Bill that will allow us to prosecute and lock up the perpetrators and, equally importantly, support and protect the victims. It also makes Britain the first country in the world to require large businesses to make sure that they have checked that there is no slavery in their supply chains, wherever they are.

Alongside the Bill the Government's modern slavery strategy sets out how we expect government departments, police and other agencies to tackle the crime and improve how we identify and support the victims.

Fiona continued “One of the most important aspects of this Bill is the ability it is giving to fine, very heavily, the criminals who traffic people and to ensure that their ill-gotten gains are used as compensations to help their victims re-build their lives. The severity of punishment – up to life imprisonment – which this Bill now has reflects the seriousness of this criminal activity which has the potential to wreck young lives.”

Slavery may seem far away but, dreadful though it is to say, it is estimated that there are over 13,000 slaves in Britain today. We need the help of everyone in our local communities to raise awareness of modern slavery and so help stop more vulnerable people falling prey to those who seek to exploit them.

As we approach the joyful Christmas festival I would be grateful if you would pass this message on to as many people as possible in the community so that, together, we can stamp out this evil.”

You can find out more about modern slavery on line at