Monday 15 December 2014

Fiona Bruce meets Housing Minister regarding Neighbourhood Plans

Fiona Bruce meets Housing Minister regarding Neighbourhood Plans

Fiona Bruce has met this week in Parliament with Housing Minister, Brandon Lewis MP, and pressed for the time it takes for Neighbourhood Plans to be produced and finalised to be shortened.

Fiona Bruce saidNow that it is clear that Cheshire East’s Local Plan will not be further progressed, let alone finalised, until well into next year at the earliest, it is essential both that all our local communities look to produce Neighbourhood Plans to protect themselves against aggressive developers, and also that National Government look to reduce the length of time it takes for a Neighbourhood Plan to be finalised and the procedures involved."

Housing Minister Brandon Lewis MP, has confirmed to Fiona Bruce that National Government has made additional funding available for local authorities to access to help with the production of Neighbourhood Plans.

Fiona Bruce addedOn the basis that there is National funding for these, I am urging all the communities in my constituency to go full speed ahead with Neighbourhood Plans and to press Cheshire East Council for as much support and resources as they need to produce these as quickly as possible.”

Writing to Alsager Town Council today, in a letter which she has asked to be read out at this week’s Council meeting, Fiona Bruce stated:

“Dear Councillors,

I write regarding the potential commencement of a Neighbourhood Plan for Alsager.

In light of the recent rejection of Cheshire East’s draft Local Plan, my strong advice is that Alsager residents and community leaders now urgently consider creating a Neighbourhood Plan for Alsager.  Neighbourhood Plans carry statutory weight and are therefore considered by Inspectors on Planning Appeals and can influence their decisions.

A recent Court case has established that Neighbourhood Plans carry such weight even where a principal authority (in this case Cheshire East) has not finalised its Local Plan.  Whilst Neighbourhood Plans take some time to complete, in light of how long it has already taken Cheshire East to formulate its Local Plan, it is possible that an Alsager Neighbourhood Plan could be in place before a Cheshire East Local Plan. I am currently pressing Housing Ministers in Parliament to speed up the time frame for Neighbourhood Plans.

There is an obligation on a principal authority to assist with the creation of a Neighbourhood Plan, under Localism legislation and I have therefore spoken with Michael Jones, Leader of Cheshire East Council regarding this, and he has confirmed his agreement to provide urgent funds and resources to support the creation of a Neighbourhood Plan.   I am of course available to provide support in this also.

With kind regards,
Yours sincerely

Fiona Bruce MP
Member of Parliament for the Congleton Constituency