Tuesday 16 December 2014

Fiona Bruce Joins Chair of Parkinson’s UK Local Branch to Campaign for Specialist Nurse

Fiona Bruce Joins Chair of Parkinson’s UK Local Branch to Campaign for Specialist Nurse

Fiona Bruce has put her name behind a campaign led by Dennis Fricker, the Chair of Parkinson’s UK local branch, for the introduction of a specialist local nurse for Parkinson’s and other neurological conditions for this area.

 Volunteer members of the Branch have over many years organised a wide range of charity events. The money raised together with donations from individuals and businesses means that over £90,000 has been raised towards the training and introduction of such a nurse.

Mr Fricker saysThe money is ready and waiting. I am not retiring from my role as Chair until we get this nurse. Some of the people who helped raise the money are no longer with us and I am determined that those people currently being diagnosed shall have the assistance of a specialist nurse. Not only will a Parkinson’s nurse benefit the patient but also save money for the NHS”

Fiona Bruce commentedI am full of admiration for Dennis Fricker who, even though he himself has Parkinson’s, has been involved in the campaign for many years. As Chair of the Local Branch he is able to report that £90,000 is now available towards the training and introduction of a specialist neurological nurse. It is admirable that he and his team of volunteers exhibit such determination to see this happen despite having campaigned for such a period. I have written to the Head of Leighton Hospital asking for action to be taken without further delay.”