Monday 15 December 2014

Fiona Bruce MP Enlists Secretary of State’s Support in Campaign Against Hospital Car Park Charges

Fiona Bruce MP Enlists Secretary of State’s Support in Campaign Against Hospital Car Park Charges

In a question in the House of Commons today Fiona Bruce MP asked Eric Pickles MP to join with her in the campaign against the introduction of car-parking charges at Congleton War Memorial Hospital.

At Local Government Questions in the Chamber of the House of Commons, Fiona Bruce asked:
Will the Secretary of State join me and many Congleton residents in objecting to proposals to introduce parking charges at Congleton War Memorial hospital for the first time? That plan is likely to increase, rather than decrease, local parking congestion, and rather than benefiting patients and their families it will in all likelihood benefit the car park charging company through aggressive fines.

The Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government, Eric Pickles MP, responded:
I have a War Memorial hospital in my own constituency. My hon. Friend the Member for Harlow (Robert Halfon) has been vocal in pressing local health authorities on this practice, which particularly affects people who are visiting patients who are in hospital for a long stay. It does not seem to be the most sensible way of raising funds.

Speaking after this response Fiona Bruce saidThe proposal to charge local residents to park at their hospital, a hospital founded by public subscription, is deeply offensive, and I am delighted that the Secretary of State has joined in objecting to this as robustly as he did. I hope this sends out a clear signal to the Health Authority that these plans must be abandoned without further delay.”