Wednesday 10 December 2014

Fiona Bruce MP Welcomes Tax Cut on Family Holidays


Fiona Bruce MP has welcomed the Chancellor’s announcement that tax will be scrapped on children’s flights. Air Passenger Duty (APD) on children’s tickets (2-11yrs) has been cut by the Government, delivering a vital saving to make families’ annual holiday more affordable. Previously, children’s tickets included the same tax on their tickets as adults. However, the Chancellor announced that APD will be abolished for under-12 year olds, and that APD will be abolished for under-16 year olds from 2016.
After the announcement, Fiona Bruce MP said:

‘It is good to note that the Chancellor listened to our campaign in Parliament for Air Passenger Duty applicable to children to be removed. In a difficult economic climate, the Government is continuing to support families across the country. For a family of four, this reduces flights within Europe by £52, and flights for elsewhere by £276. That takes many families’ holidays from out of reach, to affordable.

Fiona Bruce MP commented:

‘This is further welcome news for families. More jobs has meant that more families now have bread-winners, and this change means that many more families can take that holiday they need.’

The wording of the Early Day Motion which Fiona Bruce and other campaigning MPs signed in Parliament is as follows:
That this House believes that the UK's air passenger duty is acting as a barrier to allowing hardworking families to take holidays abroad, when the majority already have to pay a premium due to school term-time restrictions; and calls on the Government to reduce the financial impact on hardworking families by scrapping the air passenger duty applicable to children.

Further information can be found at: