Monday 1 December 2014

Cinderella At Clonter in Parliament

Clonter’s Cinderella Previews in Parliament arranged by Fiona Bruce MP

A preview of Cinderella, which will be the first pantomime held at Clonter Opera Theatre’s pantomime this Christmas, was performed in Parliament in front of an audience of Parliamentarians and staff.

Fiona Bruce, who arranged the preview, saidThis preview took place on the same day as representatives from Clonter Opera met with myself and the Minster for Culture, Ed Vaisey, to request Ministerial support for Clonter’s application to the Arts Council for funding which is urgently needed if Clonter is to continue to provide Opera and other high quality musical entertainment in the North West as well as its educational work on an on-going basis. I felt that it was important that the diversity of what Clonter is now offering above and beyond the opera was not only discussed, but also actually seen, in the House of Commons. The Cinderella performers, led by the pantomime’s producer, Will Whelton, provided a most enjoyable presentation and I would recommend early booking for this Christmas production at Clonter!”

Isabella Locket of Clonter Opera said “Clonter is delighted to host its first pantomime and wishes it every success.”