Monday 8 December 2014

Fiona Bruce MP Supports Small Business Saturday

Fiona Bruce MP Supports Small Business Saturday

Fiona Bruce MP met with traders from across her constituency on Saturday 6th December, to thank them for their hard work and vital contribution to the local economy and to encourage people to support them by buying locally at independent shops.

Fiona Bruce saidThere are some 4000 or more businesses in my constituency and the vast majority are small businesses who are the engine of our local economy. It is vital that we support them individually by shopping locally. This Government has also taken great steps to support small businesses, recognising their worth including reducing National Insurance payments by up to £2000 for businesses, doubling small business rate relief so that almost 400,000 small firms pay no business rates at all, cutting corporation tax from 28% at the start of this Government to 20% and reducing the burden of employment law.”

Fiona continuedOn Small Business Saturday independent businesses are estimated to take an average of £468 million across the UK – one of the busiest shopping days of the year and evidence shows that money spent in local independent shops is far more likely to stay within the local community and benefit it further.”

Photo shows Fiona Bruce MP with Olivia and Charlie Watts helping Fiona Bruce promote Small Business Saturday, son and daughter of Mike and Rachelle Watts who have run Temptations shop in Middlewich since 1977.

On visiting the shop Fiona saidTemptations is a remarkable Aladdin’s cave with a maze of rooms behind the shop front selling a phenomenal variety of goods – a choice of many cards, toys, slippers, candles, a garden centre at the back, and even a men’s games room upstairs with a real motorbike! I am impressed by the hard work of Mike and Rachelle who have built this business up since 1977 and attract customers from all over Cheshire.”