Monday 22 December 2014

Fiona Bruce MP supports Bye Buy Childhood Christmas Campaign

Fiona Bruce MP supports Bye Buy Childhood Christmas Campaign

Fiona Bruce MP is supporting the on-going campaign by the Mother’s Union, Bye Buy Childhood, which is working to combat the commercialisation and sexualisation of young people.
The campaign has launched a postcard in time for Christmas encouraging people to think about giving gifts other than presents to children this year such as spending time with them on Christmas activities or writing a message in their
Christmas card to bolster their self-esteem and to encourage children to think about and help others this Christmas.
It also encourages parents and guardians to make sure that if they are giving their child a gift which has internet capability that they are aware of online safety measures and protection for young people online.

Fiona saidI am pleased to support this campaign, we need to ensure that children are able to develop at their own pace without being exposed to matter that is far too old for them at far too young an age. The Christmas element of this campaign encourages us all to think about others this Christmas, a time that, for some, can seem lonely and hopeless, and to focus not on the commercial aspect of this time of year but on strengthening relationships and contributing to the wider community.”