Monday 22 December 2014

Fiona Bruce MP calls for improvement to Neighbourhood Plan process

Fiona Bruce MP calls for improvement to Neighbourhood Plan process

In a debate on the DCLG Select Committee report on the NPPF in the House of Commons last Thursday, Fiona Bruce stated:

Fiona Bruce (Congleton) (Con): May I congratulate the Committee on an excellent report? Suspension of the local plan for Cheshire East council, covering my constituency, is causing untold concern in areas such as Congleton, Sandbach and Alsager, despite a huge of volume of work by Cheshire East council. I therefore thank the Committee for highlighting many points, including the need for clarification of what sustainable development actually means, the need to facilitate partial adoption, and the inclusion of housing consents in planning numbers, which would go a long way to help my council in finalising its plan.
In the meantime, while the Minister considers those points, will the Chair of the Committee join me in asking Ministers to speed up the process for the formulation
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of neighbourhood plans? No fewer than 14 such plans are now in train in the Cheshire East area, but these are small communities. Does the hon. Gentleman agree that there should be a clear, quick process, free of bureaucracy and with the appropriate resources and support, so that the plans can finalised in early course?

Mr Betts: There is widespread support for the concept of neighbourhood plans, but there is some concern that poorer communities may not be able to adopt the process as easily as more affluent ones. That goes back to the issue of the relative status of neighbourhood and local plans if, for example, 14 neighbourhood plans are being developed but there is no local plan.

We think that the definition of sustainable development in the NPPF is a good one—it draws on Brundtland and on the five principles—and we do not want to change it. The problem is that the definition goes on to say that sustainable development is defined by everything in the NPPF, and we thought that that rather circular argument was unnecessary.

Modern Day Slavery

Fiona Bruce MP continues to campaign against Modern Day Slavery

Fiona Bruce MP who has been working in Parliament on the Modern Day Slavery Bill said:

I would like to take this opportunity to wish you a Happy Christmas and a peaceful New Year, but I also thought you might be particularly interested in the work the Government is doing to tackle one of the most despicable of crimes - modern slavery.

One of the most important things I’ve worked on this year is the Modern Day Slavery Bill, sitting on over 20 Committee session helping draft this Bill to combat the scourage of human trafficking. This has been a real privilege.”

Modern slavery is an international problem that requires cross-border action, but it is happening in Britain today and the help of charities, local community organisations and churches is also vital in raising awareness of this terrible crime - and also in providing much needed support to the victims.

Recognising the importance of stamping out this scourge on our society, the Government has introduced a Modern Slavery Bill that will allow us to prosecute and lock up the perpetrators and, equally importantly, support and protect the victims. It also makes Britain the first country in the world to require large businesses to make sure that they have checked that there is no slavery in their supply chains, wherever they are.

Alongside the Bill the Government's modern slavery strategy sets out how we expect government departments, police and other agencies to tackle the crime and improve how we identify and support the victims.

Fiona continued “One of the most important aspects of this Bill is the ability it is giving to fine, very heavily, the criminals who traffic people and to ensure that their ill-gotten gains are used as compensations to help their victims re-build their lives. The severity of punishment – up to life imprisonment – which this Bill now has reflects the seriousness of this criminal activity which has the potential to wreck young lives.”

Slavery may seem far away but, dreadful though it is to say, it is estimated that there are over 13,000 slaves in Britain today. We need the help of everyone in our local communities to raise awareness of modern slavery and so help stop more vulnerable people falling prey to those who seek to exploit them.

As we approach the joyful Christmas festival I would be grateful if you would pass this message on to as many people as possible in the community so that, together, we can stamp out this evil.”

You can find out more about modern slavery on line at

Fiona Bruce MP supports Bye Buy Childhood Christmas Campaign

Fiona Bruce MP supports Bye Buy Childhood Christmas Campaign

Fiona Bruce MP is supporting the on-going campaign by the Mother’s Union, Bye Buy Childhood, which is working to combat the commercialisation and sexualisation of young people.
The campaign has launched a postcard in time for Christmas encouraging people to think about giving gifts other than presents to children this year such as spending time with them on Christmas activities or writing a message in their
Christmas card to bolster their self-esteem and to encourage children to think about and help others this Christmas.
It also encourages parents and guardians to make sure that if they are giving their child a gift which has internet capability that they are aware of online safety measures and protection for young people online.

Fiona saidI am pleased to support this campaign, we need to ensure that children are able to develop at their own pace without being exposed to matter that is far too old for them at far too young an age. The Christmas element of this campaign encourages us all to think about others this Christmas, a time that, for some, can seem lonely and hopeless, and to focus not on the commercial aspect of this time of year but on strengthening relationships and contributing to the wider community.”

Friday 19 December 2014

Fiona Bruce MP Supports Alzheimer’s UK Defeating Dementia

Fiona Bruce MP Supports Alzheimer’s UK Defeating Dementia

Fiona Bruce MP joined MPs and Members of the House of Lords in Parliament recently for to hear about the important work of Alzheimer’s UK in combating dementia and the launch of their manifesto for 2015-2020 “The Power to Defeat Dementia”.

Fiona Bruce said “Alzheimer’s is an illness likely to touch all our lives at some point, whether an elderly relative, partner or ourselves, yet it remains little understood. It is incredibly important that people better understand dementia because from this, those people who suffer can be better cared for and stay in their homes and with their families for longer. Alzheimer’s UK is doing important research into finding a treatment and hopefully a cure for this devastating illness and I am proud to be able to support them.

For local people concerned about dementia, may I recommend the local service for support, information and advice on dementia in Cheshire.”

Launch of APPG on Cystic Fibrosis

Fiona Bruce MP joins launch of Parliamentary Group on Cystic Fibrosis

Fiona Bruce MP joined MPs and Members of the House of Lords in Parliament recently for the launch of an All Party Parliamentary Group on Cystic Fibrosis in the 50th year of the Cystic Fibrosis Trust.

Fiona saidHaving supported the Alsager Friends of CF group and their 65 Roses Ball, I was pleased to be able to support the launch of this important APPG. The Cystic Fibrosis Trust does important work in raising funds for and awareness of cystic fibrosis and making it clear that progress is being made in the treatment of the disease, whilst also pressing for more.  ”

Fiona Bruce's Christmas Message to North Koreans

Fiona Bruce MP’s Christmas message from the House of Commons to North Koreans

Speaking in the House of Commons yesterday Fiona Bruce said:

Fiona Bruce (Congleton) (Con): We hear today that Sony has pulled the apparently joke film “The Interview” about North Korea. I decry inhibiting free speech, whatever the material, but life in North Korea is not a joke. It is not a joke that desperate women wade across the frozen Tumen river to escape to China, only to be caught by Chinese men, sold into sexual slavery and then, when used up, sent back by the authorities to face torture in North Korea and the forced abortion of their unborn children.
It is not a joke for those hundreds of thousands who live in concentration camps reminiscent of the Nazi era, many for uttering a few words against the North Korean regime—or, worse, under the regime’s atrocious “guilt by association” rule, not for something they have done, but for something their relatives have done to offend the regime. Prisoners are told they are not humans but animals and indescribably tortured: steam-rolled to death; killed by having hot molten metal poured over them; frozen to death; starved to death; worked to death in factories; hung upside down to have water poured into their nostrils, like so much beef hanging from hooks in a slaughter house; deprived of clothing and sleep, then mercilessly pummelled with wooden bats; kept in cells with two holes in the door for them to stick their feet out to be horrendously tortured; and frequently forced to watch executions, including of their blood relatives. As my co-chair of the all-party group on North Korea, an increasingly active group, Lord Alton, said,
“Christmas spent in a North Korean gulag will be just another day of grotesque suffering.”
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Life in North Korea is not a joke outside the concentration camps either. It is not a joke for the thousands of stunted, parentless children—the so-called wandering swallows—who eke out a living on the streets. The problem of malnutrition in North Korea is so bad that the minimum height for a member of their armed forces is just 4 feet 2 inches. It is not a joke for the disabled in North Korea either. Just when we thought that reports from North Korea could not get any worse, this week we heard at first hand from an escapee at a meeting of the all-party group in the UK Parliament about how disabled people, including children, were sent
“for medical tests such as dissection of body parts, as well as tests of biological and chemical weapons. Dwarves are castrated. Babies with mental and physical handicaps are routinely snatched from hospitals and left to suffer indescribable things until they die. The disabled in North Korea are simply disappeared.”
We were told that by a disabled escapee, Ji Seong-Ho, who, at 14, lost his left hand and leg after passing out from hunger while scavenging for coal on railway tracks and was run over by a train. He was told by North Korean Government officials:
“disabled people like you hurt the dignity of North Korea and you should just die.”
He told us, “That really hurt.”
At Christmas time, let us remember that living in North Korea is not a joke for the many brave Christians who every day fear incarceration simply for owning a Bible. One lady has told the all-party group that if soldiers suspect that someone is a believer, they will ransack their home until they find what they are looking for. In her home, they did: they noticed a brick slightly out of position, and behind it they found her Bible, so she was taken to prison.
I have mentioned just two of many escapees who have spoken to our group this year and who are now finding sanctuary in the UK and increasingly giving testimonies of their suffering to Members of Parliament. For the rest of my speech, however, I want to speak not to fellow Members, or even to our constituents, but to the people of North Korea. When I first spoke about North Korea in the House, I was amazed to receive a letter from supporters in South Korea saying, “You are being heard” so I know that when we speak here, many of you in North Korea hear what we say—and that is increasingly the case with modern means of communication, such as smuggled-in USB sticks.
I want you, the people of North Korea, to know that your suffering is being heard. Do not think that no one cares. Do not think that no one is speaking out for you. In the UK Parliament, more and more people are speaking out and showing that they care. We have compassion for you in your suffering, and this Christmas remember that our compassion is as nothing compared with that of Christ. One day, this too will end. Kingdoms rise and fall. We are praying for you and for your freedom.
In addition to praying and speaking out, more and more people are acting. This year, a 400-page UN report by Mr Justice Kirby catalogued the brutal atrocities you experience. The world now knows of them and cannot stay silent. Increasingly, people in the free world are calling for action on your behalf. Only last week in this Parliament, the all-party group on international freedom of religion or belief issued a report that can be found at which added to demands made last month at the UN by no fewer than
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111 countries that those responsible for human rights violations in North Korea be brought to justice by the International Criminal Court. We also called for all appropriate justice mechanisms to be considered to bring the North Korean Government to account for their terrible atrocities against their own people. Here in the UK Parliament, as MPs we continue to press for the BBC World Service to broadcast to you, the people of North Korea, in the Korean and English languages, and we MPs continue to press for an increased dialogue with China to stop its policy of forced repatriation and for humanitarian aid to the people of North Korea.

So, at Christmas time our hearts go out to you, the North Korean people, from the UK. Know that we are with you; know that we are supporting and working with your relatives and friends who have escaped to this country and know that they have a voice; and know that we shall continue to speak out for you and to press for action on your behalf until the day comes, which it surely will, when your country is free again and your suffering is at an end.

The Shadow Leader of the House, Thomas Docherty responded saying:

As ever, the hon. Member for Congleton (Fiona Bruce) made an impassioned and knowledgeable speech about the situation in North Korea. She has a tremendous track record in relation to the persecution of Christians, and—again, as ever—she made a hugely important contribution. I know that her work has the support of all Members.”

1000 households in the Congleton Constituency eligible for home heating help

1000 households in the Congleton Constituency eligible for home heating help
MP urges residents to call today

New research from Home Heat Helpline shows 1000 Congleton Constituency households are eligible for help to keep their home warm this winter in conjunction with energy companies.  As a result, Home Heat Helpline (0800 33 66 99) is encouraging people to find out what they could be entitled to.

Homes that may qualify include all those living in certain deprived areas as well as low income pensioners, disadvantaged families with children or those with a disability that live in a rural area.

Fiona Bruce MP said:
“I recognise this as a real concern for many of my constituents. Many people may not know where to turn for free advice on keeping their homes warm. One of the best ways for people in this area to stay warm this winter is to act now, and call the Home Heat Helpline on 0800 33 66 99 to see if they’re eligible for help.”

Last year, 98 per cent of eligible households may have missed out on free advice and support because they did not call the independent Helpline.

The British Energy Aid Report, carried out by the New Policy Institute on behalf of Home Heat Helpline, showed that one in eight British homes across Great Britain is entitled to relief, a total of 3.2 million households.

Wednesday 17 December 2014

Political Differences Set Aside for Cancer Campaigners – Conservative MP and Former Labour Candidate

Political Differences Set Aside for Cancer Campaigners – Conservative MP and Former Labour Candidate

Fiona Bruce MP and the former Labour Party Candidate for the Congleton Constituency who went head-to-head in 2010 before the General Election then, are now jointly campaigning for Cancer Research UK under their Cross Cancer Out campaign.
Fiona Bruce and David Bryant met to promote the campaign.

Fiona saidEvery year around 300,000 people are diagnosed with Cancer in the UK. Cancer Research has achieved a great deal – we have already seen great progress in the early diagnosis of cancer  but more needs to be done – the earlier the diagnosis, the more successful the treatment and the more lives saved. It is a pleasure to campaign alongside David Bryant in this campaign – political differences mean very little when lives are at stake. I have huge respect for David and his wife for their sustained campaigning on this issue.”

David Bryant said “' It is a real honour to be the local Ambassador for Cancer Research UK.  It is a cause that I strongly believe in and hope to work across party lines to ensure that all parties develop policies to beat cancer. A consensus across the political parties on for example, early diagnosis and a focus on catching cancer early would significantly decrease the death rates for most of the common cancers.  Politicians have the chance to make a real difference to a disease that will effect one in three of us by ensuring early diagnosis is top of the agenda going into the next election.”

Investment for M6


Fiona Bruce MP has welcomed the Government’s announcement of £4.5bn investment in motorways across the country, including along the M6 between junctions 16 and 19 and major improvements to Junction 19 itself.

Fiona Bruce MP saidThe investment in great news for the local area. The M6 will be upgraded to a ‘smart motorway’ between junctions 16 and 19, reducing congestion and improving safety, and much-needed improvements will be made to Junction 19 between the M6 and the A556.’

Fiona Bruce MP commented “Smart motorways give the Highways Agency the ability open extra lanes during busy times. This will help prevent stop-start congestion, and make journeys more efficient for drivers. Individual lanes can also be closed quickly and effectively when an accident occurs, making the roads safer after a crash, and wherever possible keeping traffic moving. Where this has already been brought in across the UK, there has been a 70% reduction in crashes.”

Fiona Bruce MP concluded “These improvements are well needed and will improve transport links for the whole of Cheshire, and the Congleton area. It is a boost for businesses, families and commuters, and I am very pleased that the Government has listened to the needs of our local community to put significant investment into this – one of the most congested stretches of motorway in the country and, as I know only too well, a source of continuous aggravation for local road users!”

More information about the Road Investment Strategy can be found here:

Information about the specific investment referred to above can be found on page 36 of this document:

Tuesday 16 December 2014

Fiona Bruce Joins Chair of Parkinson’s UK Local Branch to Campaign for Specialist Nurse

Fiona Bruce Joins Chair of Parkinson’s UK Local Branch to Campaign for Specialist Nurse

Fiona Bruce has put her name behind a campaign led by Dennis Fricker, the Chair of Parkinson’s UK local branch, for the introduction of a specialist local nurse for Parkinson’s and other neurological conditions for this area.

 Volunteer members of the Branch have over many years organised a wide range of charity events. The money raised together with donations from individuals and businesses means that over £90,000 has been raised towards the training and introduction of such a nurse.

Mr Fricker saysThe money is ready and waiting. I am not retiring from my role as Chair until we get this nurse. Some of the people who helped raise the money are no longer with us and I am determined that those people currently being diagnosed shall have the assistance of a specialist nurse. Not only will a Parkinson’s nurse benefit the patient but also save money for the NHS”

Fiona Bruce commentedI am full of admiration for Dennis Fricker who, even though he himself has Parkinson’s, has been involved in the campaign for many years. As Chair of the Local Branch he is able to report that £90,000 is now available towards the training and introduction of a specialist neurological nurse. It is admirable that he and his team of volunteers exhibit such determination to see this happen despite having campaigned for such a period. I have written to the Head of Leighton Hospital asking for action to be taken without further delay.”

Monday 15 December 2014

Fiona Bruce MP Enlists Secretary of State’s Support in Campaign Against Hospital Car Park Charges

Fiona Bruce MP Enlists Secretary of State’s Support in Campaign Against Hospital Car Park Charges

In a question in the House of Commons today Fiona Bruce MP asked Eric Pickles MP to join with her in the campaign against the introduction of car-parking charges at Congleton War Memorial Hospital.

At Local Government Questions in the Chamber of the House of Commons, Fiona Bruce asked:
Will the Secretary of State join me and many Congleton residents in objecting to proposals to introduce parking charges at Congleton War Memorial hospital for the first time? That plan is likely to increase, rather than decrease, local parking congestion, and rather than benefiting patients and their families it will in all likelihood benefit the car park charging company through aggressive fines.

The Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government, Eric Pickles MP, responded:
I have a War Memorial hospital in my own constituency. My hon. Friend the Member for Harlow (Robert Halfon) has been vocal in pressing local health authorities on this practice, which particularly affects people who are visiting patients who are in hospital for a long stay. It does not seem to be the most sensible way of raising funds.

Speaking after this response Fiona Bruce saidThe proposal to charge local residents to park at their hospital, a hospital founded by public subscription, is deeply offensive, and I am delighted that the Secretary of State has joined in objecting to this as robustly as he did. I hope this sends out a clear signal to the Health Authority that these plans must be abandoned without further delay.”

Fiona Bruce meets Housing Minister regarding Neighbourhood Plans

Fiona Bruce meets Housing Minister regarding Neighbourhood Plans

Fiona Bruce has met this week in Parliament with Housing Minister, Brandon Lewis MP, and pressed for the time it takes for Neighbourhood Plans to be produced and finalised to be shortened.

Fiona Bruce saidNow that it is clear that Cheshire East’s Local Plan will not be further progressed, let alone finalised, until well into next year at the earliest, it is essential both that all our local communities look to produce Neighbourhood Plans to protect themselves against aggressive developers, and also that National Government look to reduce the length of time it takes for a Neighbourhood Plan to be finalised and the procedures involved."

Housing Minister Brandon Lewis MP, has confirmed to Fiona Bruce that National Government has made additional funding available for local authorities to access to help with the production of Neighbourhood Plans.

Fiona Bruce addedOn the basis that there is National funding for these, I am urging all the communities in my constituency to go full speed ahead with Neighbourhood Plans and to press Cheshire East Council for as much support and resources as they need to produce these as quickly as possible.”

Writing to Alsager Town Council today, in a letter which she has asked to be read out at this week’s Council meeting, Fiona Bruce stated:

“Dear Councillors,

I write regarding the potential commencement of a Neighbourhood Plan for Alsager.

In light of the recent rejection of Cheshire East’s draft Local Plan, my strong advice is that Alsager residents and community leaders now urgently consider creating a Neighbourhood Plan for Alsager.  Neighbourhood Plans carry statutory weight and are therefore considered by Inspectors on Planning Appeals and can influence their decisions.

A recent Court case has established that Neighbourhood Plans carry such weight even where a principal authority (in this case Cheshire East) has not finalised its Local Plan.  Whilst Neighbourhood Plans take some time to complete, in light of how long it has already taken Cheshire East to formulate its Local Plan, it is possible that an Alsager Neighbourhood Plan could be in place before a Cheshire East Local Plan. I am currently pressing Housing Ministers in Parliament to speed up the time frame for Neighbourhood Plans.

There is an obligation on a principal authority to assist with the creation of a Neighbourhood Plan, under Localism legislation and I have therefore spoken with Michael Jones, Leader of Cheshire East Council regarding this, and he has confirmed his agreement to provide urgent funds and resources to support the creation of a Neighbourhood Plan.   I am of course available to provide support in this also.

With kind regards,
Yours sincerely

Fiona Bruce MP
Member of Parliament for the Congleton Constituency

MP and School Celebrate Success of Cadet Force Campaign

MP and School Celebrate Success of Cadet Force Campaign

Fiona Bruce and Sandbach Boys School are celebrating the success of their campaign to secure the future of the combined cadet force at Sandbach School which was under threat as a result of Government funding changes.

Fiona Bruce saidThe Sandbach Combined Cadet Force make an invaluable contribution to the life of the Sandbach Community as well as offering the young people who are members an opportunity to develop vital life skills. I am always tremendously impressed at the positive example which cadets from across my constituency provide, and there is therefore no doubt in my mind that these proposals needed to be fought vigorously.”

Fiona Bruce raised the issue in Parliament at Defence Question Time as well as writing to and speaking with Ministers directly on this issue.

Sarah Burns, Headteacher of Sandbach Boys School said this weekThere is deep appreciation from Sandbach Boys School to our MP, Fiona Bruce, for the urgent action she took in raising the threat of closure of Sandbach Boys School Combined Cadet Force with Ministers at Question Time.
Without Fiona’s actions our Cadet Force and its contribution to the town could well have been lost’.

In a letter from the Ministry of Defence this week, Anna Soubry, Minister of State for Defence Personnel, Welfare and Veterans told Fiona Bruce “The Defence Secretary has decided not to proceed with the proposal and instead has decided that the current funding regime will continue to apply. I hope you will agree that this is an excellent outcome.”

Wednesday 10 December 2014

Fiona Bruce MP introduces Annual Family Business Reception in Parliament

Fiona Bruce MP introduces Annual Family Business Reception in Parliament

Fiona Bruce introduced the annual Family Business Reception in Parliament at which almost 200 business people from across the country gathered to highlight the contribution and importance to the economy of family businesses.

Speaking at the event, Fiona Bruce commented "This Government has a completely different approach to the support of small business compared with the previous one. The Government has cut National Insurance for every business by up to £2000 - that means 450,000 small business or a third of all employers will pay no National Insurance this year. NI is alaso being abolished for those under 21 making it easier to employ young people."

Fiona Bruce continued "Corporation Tax is also cut from 28% to 20%, and almost 400,000 small firms are paying no business rates at all because of the Government's doubling of Business Rate Relief. The Government has set a goal of giving 25% of Government contracts to small and medium sized businesses and  has reduced the burden of employment law so businesses are more likely to take on new staff."

Fiona’s speech appears below:

APPG for Family Business Annual Reception
19th November 2014, 7-9pm (speeches 7.30pm)

The family business sector is a great British success story.  The three million family businesses operating today cover the length and breadth of the country, in all sectors, from micro firms to large multinational brands.  Some of these companies are working hard to make that crucial first handover between generations.  Others are now many hundreds of years old, established household names, but with their own challenges to face.

What these amazing businesses all have in common is their commitment to maintaining their strong family values, and their long term outlook.  Family businesses building on their success to pass something better on to the generations to come.

As well being an MP and a member of the APPG, I have also developed a business in Cheshire over almost twenty five years before entering Parliament, in which several members of my family have worked or do work today and I know first-hand therefore, what dedication, commitment and hard work goes into launching and making local business work – it really can be an ‘open all hours’ job at times.

The Institute for Family Business, who sponsor the APPG and have handled all the arrangements to bring us together tonight, have this month also published the Family Business Manifesto.  This is the first publication of its type by the family business sector, and if you haven’t yet seen it there are copies available here tonight.

I’m delighted to see the message that family businesses are a bedrock of our communities and local economies, being delivered direct to Government and parliamentarians.  As policy makers we need to hear from family firms about what we can do to help them grow, to employ more people, and to be able to pass on successful businesses.  We need to understand the situation for family businesses on the ground and how we can support them – our economic recovery must be led by business, and a positive long term outlook for local business is what we need for sustainable economic growth. 

Never Drink and Drive - Safe Ride Home

Fiona Bruce MP supports ‘Never Drink and Drive’ Campaign 

Fiona Bruce MP wants to make constituents aware of a scheme to try to make the roads safer this Christmas.

The Department for Transport ‘Think!’ campaign is working hard to promote not drinking and driving this December and companies Johnnie Walker and Uber are offering festive party-goers a “safe ride home” during the festive season in London, Manchester and Leeds.  Users will need to ‘Join the Pact’ to never drink and drive in order to access a promotional code to unlock their Uber ride. 

Fiona Bruce MP saidMost people know it is wrong to drink and drive but sadly there are still some people who don’t think about their journey home before they have a drink, or think that they will be ‘fine’ and this can have devastating consequences for them, their families and other road users.  The safest option this Christmas, and always, is to pre-arrange transport home if you know you will be having a drink and never drink and drive.”
Join The Pact has already gathered commitments from more than 1.4 million people globally to never drink and drive.

Over the festive season consumers can make their pledge to never drink and drive by visiting

Care 2 Save Charity Shopping Website Launch

Fiona Bruce and St Luke’s Hospice launch Care2Save

At an event in Parliament today (10th December) Fiona Bruce MP, with representatives from St Luke’s Hospice launched a new national shopping site to help raise funds for hospices and other charities when people shop online.

Fiona Bruce said “Online spending over Christmas is predicted to reach an all-time high of £13billion. If just 5% of purchases are made through, £19.5million could be raised for good causes this festive season.”

At the Westminster event, MPs learnt how provides a new income stream for hospices and charities. Care2Save is unique in the UK as it is the only charity owned and run shopping site which gives 100% of the money it makes through commission directly to the charity sector – without costing the customer a penny.

80% of the commission generated through each purchase goes to a registered charity of the shopper’s choice and the remaining 20% goes to the Care2Save Charitable Trust which supports hospice and palliative care in the UK and globally.

Fiona Bruce added “As Vice President of St Luke’s Hospice, I am very pleased to support this initiative and that Care2Save is the brainchild of the fundraising team at St Luke’s Hospice. There cannot be an easier way to raise funds for local hospices –and in fact for all local charities this Christmas.”

Andrea Fragata-Ladeira, of St Luke’s Hospice and CEO of Care2Save said “Hospice care will touch all of our lives at one point or another, whether for ourselves or those close to us. Together through Care2Save we have the opportunity to transform the hospice sector.”

Fiona Bruce MP dresses festive for Save the Children’s Christmas Jumper Day

Fiona Bruce MP dresses festive for Save the Children’s Christmas Jumper Day

Fiona Bruce MP has popped on a pullover and posed for a festive photograph to support for Save the Children’s Christmas Jumper Day campaign.

For the third year running, Save the Children's Christmas Jumper Day asks people to wear a Christmas jumper, take a photograph and donate to their campaign with their aim to 'make the world better with a sweater’! 

Fiona Bruce said:
"I'm delighted to support Save the Children to help raise funds for its vital work in the UK and around the world, and what better way to do this than to get into the festive spirit and take part in their Christmas Jumper Day campaign.”

Save the Children is asking supporters to support their Christmas Jumper Day on Friday 12 December by wearing a Christmas Jumper, encouraging their family and friends to do the same and to donate! For grown-ups the suggested donation is £2 and for school children it’s £1, and to recognise this generous support, the government will double all money raised - matching every pound donated. To take part donate via text message, please text JUMPER to 70050 to donate £2 straight to Save the Children.

 All money raised from Christmas Jumper Day will go towards helping the most vulnerable children in the world.

The money raised from Christmas Jumper Day will help to save lives in some of the toughest parts of the world, and give children living in poverty here in the UK the chance to fulfil their potential. Just £1 could buy antibiotics to treat three newborn babies with potentially deadly infections and £2 could buy 18 sachets of oral rehydration treatment for children suffering from life-threatening diarrhoea. And with match funding from the government this year, donations could help twice as many children. 

Fiona Bruce MP Welcomes Tax Cut on Family Holidays


Fiona Bruce MP has welcomed the Chancellor’s announcement that tax will be scrapped on children’s flights. Air Passenger Duty (APD) on children’s tickets (2-11yrs) has been cut by the Government, delivering a vital saving to make families’ annual holiday more affordable. Previously, children’s tickets included the same tax on their tickets as adults. However, the Chancellor announced that APD will be abolished for under-12 year olds, and that APD will be abolished for under-16 year olds from 2016.
After the announcement, Fiona Bruce MP said:

‘It is good to note that the Chancellor listened to our campaign in Parliament for Air Passenger Duty applicable to children to be removed. In a difficult economic climate, the Government is continuing to support families across the country. For a family of four, this reduces flights within Europe by £52, and flights for elsewhere by £276. That takes many families’ holidays from out of reach, to affordable.

Fiona Bruce MP commented:

‘This is further welcome news for families. More jobs has meant that more families now have bread-winners, and this change means that many more families can take that holiday they need.’

The wording of the Early Day Motion which Fiona Bruce and other campaigning MPs signed in Parliament is as follows:
That this House believes that the UK's air passenger duty is acting as a barrier to allowing hardworking families to take holidays abroad, when the majority already have to pay a premium due to school term-time restrictions; and calls on the Government to reduce the financial impact on hardworking families by scrapping the air passenger duty applicable to children.

Further information can be found at:

Monday 8 December 2014

Pancreatic Cancer Awareness Month

Fiona Bruce MP meets with local activist campaigning to raise awareness of Pancreatic Cancer

Fiona Bruce MP met with local resident Linda Edwards, a Regional Representative of Pancreatic Cancer Action to discuss the disease and how to raise awareness about symptoms and treatments with the general public.

Despite pancreatic cancer being the 5th biggest cancer killer in the UK, only 1% of overall cancer research funding goes towards the study of pancreatic cancer – yet, alarmingly, pancreatic cancer is set to overtake breast cancer to become the UK’s fourth biggest cancer killer by 2030.

As with many cancers, early diagnosis is the key and with many people who suffer from pancreatic cancer are being diagnosed too late. The average life expectancy on diagnosis is a mere three to four months.

Sometimes known as a ‘silent killer’, patients do present with symptoms and 40 per cent of patients will visit their GP four times or more before a referral is made. Over 50 per cent of referrals are made via A&E because their symptoms have become so acute. The survival rate has not changed in 40 years while survival for other cancers has improved significantly since the 1970s.

In support of Pancreatic Awareness Month Fiona Bruce joined local campaigner Linda Edwards to call for local residents to come forward to join the local Pancreatic Cancer Action support group.

Fiona Bruce MP saidRaising awareness of this cancer is incredibly important. It is clear that a huge amount of research is needed in order to develop a better system of early diagnosis and improve survival rates which have been static for so long.”

Fiona Bruce MP Supports Small Business Saturday

Fiona Bruce MP Supports Small Business Saturday

Fiona Bruce MP met with traders from across her constituency on Saturday 6th December, to thank them for their hard work and vital contribution to the local economy and to encourage people to support them by buying locally at independent shops.

Fiona Bruce saidThere are some 4000 or more businesses in my constituency and the vast majority are small businesses who are the engine of our local economy. It is vital that we support them individually by shopping locally. This Government has also taken great steps to support small businesses, recognising their worth including reducing National Insurance payments by up to £2000 for businesses, doubling small business rate relief so that almost 400,000 small firms pay no business rates at all, cutting corporation tax from 28% at the start of this Government to 20% and reducing the burden of employment law.”

Fiona continuedOn Small Business Saturday independent businesses are estimated to take an average of £468 million across the UK – one of the busiest shopping days of the year and evidence shows that money spent in local independent shops is far more likely to stay within the local community and benefit it further.”

Photo shows Fiona Bruce MP with Olivia and Charlie Watts helping Fiona Bruce promote Small Business Saturday, son and daughter of Mike and Rachelle Watts who have run Temptations shop in Middlewich since 1977.

On visiting the shop Fiona saidTemptations is a remarkable Aladdin’s cave with a maze of rooms behind the shop front selling a phenomenal variety of goods – a choice of many cards, toys, slippers, candles, a garden centre at the back, and even a men’s games room upstairs with a real motorbike! I am impressed by the hard work of Mike and Rachelle who have built this business up since 1977 and attract customers from all over Cheshire.”

Monday 1 December 2014

Cinderella At Clonter in Parliament

Clonter’s Cinderella Previews in Parliament arranged by Fiona Bruce MP

A preview of Cinderella, which will be the first pantomime held at Clonter Opera Theatre’s pantomime this Christmas, was performed in Parliament in front of an audience of Parliamentarians and staff.

Fiona Bruce, who arranged the preview, saidThis preview took place on the same day as representatives from Clonter Opera met with myself and the Minster for Culture, Ed Vaisey, to request Ministerial support for Clonter’s application to the Arts Council for funding which is urgently needed if Clonter is to continue to provide Opera and other high quality musical entertainment in the North West as well as its educational work on an on-going basis. I felt that it was important that the diversity of what Clonter is now offering above and beyond the opera was not only discussed, but also actually seen, in the House of Commons. The Cinderella performers, led by the pantomime’s producer, Will Whelton, provided a most enjoyable presentation and I would recommend early booking for this Christmas production at Clonter!”

Isabella Locket of Clonter Opera said “Clonter is delighted to host its first pantomime and wishes it every success.”

Monday 24 November 2014



Speaking in the House of Commons, Fiona Bruce MP expressed strong support for the Health and Social Care (Safety and Quality) Bill, introduced this month by Jeremy Lefroy, the MP for Stafford. The Bill, which makes a priority of patient safety, had its first Parliamentary debate on 7th November, in which Fiona Bruce MP spoke, saying:
‘This Bill has the potential to provide significant improvements right across this country to the treatment and care of patients requiring medical assistance.’
Later in her speech, Fiona Bruce MP added:
‘Jeremy Lefroy MP’s…tireless work to do everything possible to ensure that this country never again experiences tragedies of the type reported from Mid Staffordshire hospital. Indeed, my hon. Friend’s constituents have cause to be extraordinarily proud of him…I do not believe that any other Member could have worked harder for their constituents in this connection. He has raised their concerns in this House countless times. The Bill is another carefully considered and utterly compassionate response—so characteristic of my hon. Friend—to those events. It is a focused, effective and, above all, practical proposal. It has one overriding focus: patient care. It deserves to be fully supported in its passage through the House. Its proposals are specific, realistic and immediately applicable. It will bring about real changes in the lives of real people right across the country at their weakest and most vulnerable moments.’
In his speech to open the debate, Jeremy Lefroy MP said:
‘The Bill arises out of a determination to ensure that what happened at Stafford, and indeed elsewhere, should not be repeated. It seeks to ensure that the focus on safety and quality of care we are seeing is not only maintained, but strengthened, and, most importantly, it seeks to ensure that it cannot be reversed. Of course, legislation on its own will not guarantee safe and high-quality care—leadership, culture and resources are all vital elements—but by making it clear in law what is expected of those providing health care, the Bill will go a long way to doing so.’

4.    This Bill will be discussed next in Parliament on 10th December at its Committee Stage

Monday 10 November 2014

Nation of Livesavers Campaign

Fiona Bruce MP joins the ‘Nation of Lifesavers’ campaign to save 5,000 lives
Calls for secondary schools to register for free innovative CPR training kit

Fiona Bruce MP is urging people to join the campaign to dramatically increase the number of people trained in life-saving CPR and help create a Nation of Lifesavers and particularly on secondary schools to register for a free CPR training kit.

More than 30,000 people suffer an out of hospital cardiac arrest in the UK every year – 80% of which occur in the home, often in front of family members and loved ones.

But fewer than one in ten people survive, partly because not enough people have the skills and confidence to perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR).

The British Heart Foundation says that the Nation of Lifesavers initiative could save around 5,000 additional lives a year in the UK, based on survival rates in countries like Norway (25%) where CPR training is mandatory in schools.

The BHF is calling for CPR and public access defibrillator (PAD) awareness to be taught in all secondary schools and a recent survey showed 82%5 of people would be behind this move.

Since the launch of the campaign on October 16, more than 5,000 people have already signed the petition to make these skills part of the curriculum.

Fiona has pledged her support for the Nation of Lifesavers campaign and called on secondary schools and community groups in the Congleton Constituency to order their free Call Push Rescue Training Kit.

Fiona Bruce said
: “Cardiac arrest survival rates fall way behind where CPR training is not part of the curriculum. I urge the local schools to register for a free training pack. If our young people can finish school equipped with the necessary skills to respond in a medical emergency then just 30 minutes of training could save someone’s life.”

Fiona was joined by Samantha Hobbs, who at 14 helped to save her mum’s life by performing CPR. With her dad, they kept her mum alive until the emergency services arrived and could get her heart beating again with a single electric shock from a defibrillator.

Samantha had been trained in CPR so she knew what to do. Now she’s campaigning to raise awareness amongst others so that more people are trained and more lives can be saved.

Samantha said: “I was only able to help save my mum’s life because I’d been trained in CPR. I don’t know what might have happened if I hadn’t. We’re really pleased to be able to support the BHF’s Nation of Lifesavers campaign and spread the message about the importance of CPR. I hope more lives are saved.”

On October 16, the BHF trained nearly 12,000 schoolchildren at the launch of a new CPR training programme which is free for schools to register for.

The innovative training programme enables schools, workplaces, and community groups to become completely self-sufficient in teaching the three simple steps that could save a life: Call. Push. Rescue.

Simon Gillespie, BHF Chief Executive, said: “Too many lives are lost needlessly because people don’t have the basic CPR skills to act in life-threatening situations.

“We’re determined to radically improve the country’s shocking survival rates and mandatory training in secondary schools will go a long way towards that.

“We need every school, workplace, community group and individual to join the Nation of Lifesavers and help make the UK a safer place to live.”

To help the BHF create a Nation of Lifesavers visit and sign our petition at