Tuesday 31 January 2012

Olympic Rower Speaks in Swettenham

Olympic Rower Speaks in Swettenham

Olympic Rower, Alex Story, spoke to the Congleton Constituency Conservative Association last Friday.
Alex Story held the world record at the indoor European Championships with Sir Steve Redgrave and Sir Matthew Pinsent in 1994, went on to represent Britain at the Olympics in 1996 and competed in The Boat Race in 1997 and 1998.
Following his rowing career, Alex set up a business documentary production company and has since stood twice for Parliament.
Alex said: "For those of us, who will not be competing at the Olympics this summer, the two week event will provide a great deal of excitement. The stage will be set for all the human drama that top athletes can deliver to billions of spectators. Ours is the privilege of hosting an event in which new heroes will emerge and who will inspire our next generation of athletes to aim for greatness. For the athletes, however, whether they win or lose, it will be, by far, the most important two weeks of their lives. A handful will win; many will lose, and yet none will be losers. And for us to hosts this ageless event is truly a great privilege. Let us hope for gold and glory this summer.”
Fiona Bruce MP, who attended the event, said “It was such a pleasant and interesting evening, Alex’s comments and company were much appreciated by all.”