Tuesday 24 January 2012

Financial Education

Fiona Bruce MP meets with Prime Minister to discuss Financial Education in Schools
Fiona Bruce MP and other MPs met with Prime Minister, David Cameron, to discuss improving financial education in schools.
Fiona is a lead member of the Parliamentary Inquiry on Financial Education in Schools after she raised this issue in Parliament. 
At the recent meeting with the Prime Minister, he expressed his positive view of the importance of improving financial education in schools and agreed to look at how this could be improved as part of the current Government review of the Curriculum.

-Fiona Bruce MP’s original speech highlighting the need for Financial Education in Schools to be improved was made on 21st December 2010 and can be accessed on Hansard via http://www.publications.parliament.uk/pa/cm201011/cmhansrd/cm101221/debtext/101221-0002.htm#10122139001000
- Fiona Bruce MP’s second speech on this issue was made on the publication of the report “Financial Education and the Curriculum” on 15th December 2011 after extensive work of the APPG (of which Fiona Bruce is a lead member) over the period of almost a year. http://www.publications.parliament.uk/pa/cm201011/cmhansrd/cm111215/debtext/111215-0003.htm#11121581000209
-The Full Report, “Financial Education and the Curriculum”, launched December 2011 can be found at http://www.pfeg.org/curriculum_and_policy/appg_on_financial_education_for_young_people/appg_strands/appg_inquiry_report.html