Wednesday 18 January 2012

Daylight Saving Bill

Fiona Bruce MP says clocks change could save lives and create jobs in Congleton

Local MP is backing a bill which could result in moving the clocks forward by one hour.

Local MP Fiona Bruce is backing a bill to objectively look at the benefits of moving the clocks forward by one hour.
Fiona Bruce, is backing the Daylight Saving Bill which receives its Third Reading in the House of Commons this Friday. The bill calls on the Government to conduct a comprehensive review of the costs and benefits of putting clocks forward an hour throughout the UK, resulting in lighter evenings every day of the year.

"The arguments in favour of clock change are compelling. This one simple low-cost policy could bring wide ranging benefits to the whole of the UK including saving lives on our roads, making it safer for children to walk home from school, creating much needed jobs in the tourism sector and reducing the fear of crime on dark evenings." said Fiona Bruce MP.

Supporters argue that lighter evenings would save lives on our roads by making more of our busiest evening rush hours occur in daylight, create jobs by boosting the tourism sector, and make many people especially older people feel safer going out in the evenings for longer. Lighter Later, the group coordinating the campaign for change, says support for the cause has never been stronger.
The Daylight Saving Bill is supported by over 90 national organisations from The AA to SAGA and The FA backing lighter evenings. On the year the Olympics comes to Britain, this would be a brilliant legacy for our young athletes
Members of the public can find out more about the move and check if their MP is in support of the move at


Notes to Editor:

·         For more information on the change please visit

·         List of Supportive Organisations:

RoSPA Scotland
Tourism Alliance
Business Enterprise Scotland
British Hospitality Association
London Chamber of Commerce and Industry
British Hospitality Association
Cornwall Council
Toad Watch
38 Degrees
BALPPA (British Association of Leisure Parks, Piers and Attractions)
BRADA (British Resorts and Destinations Association)
brighter future
British Beer and Pub Association
Sport and Recreation Alliance (prev CCPR)
CIHT (Chartered Institute of Highways and Transportation)
Cumbria Tourism
GEM (Guild of Experienced Motorists)
Lawn Tennis Association
Living Streets
NAEE (National Association for Environmental Education)
Northumberland Wildlife Trust
PACTS (Parliamentary Advisory Council for Transport Safety)
People and Planet
People Developments
PIRC (Public Interest Research Centre)
Road Safety GB
RoSPA (Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents)


IAM (Institute of Advanced Motoring)
Bed and Breakfast Association
Northern Ireland Sports Forum
Dr Harry Rutter
Lighter Evenings All-Party Parliamentary Group
NEF (New Economics Foundation) / 100 months
RAC Foundation
Centre For Sustainable Healthcare
English and Wales Cricket Board
Cobra Martial Arts Assoc
Special Olympics Great Britain
Federation of Yorkshire Sport
Army Cadet Force Association
Institute of Groundsmanship
British Equestrian Federation
London Volleyball Association
British Kite Surfing Association
Business in Sport and Leisure
Amateur Swimming Association
Energize Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin
Clay Pigeon Shooting Association
Exercise Movement and Dance Partnership
Professional Footballers' Association
English Schools Cricket Association
BATD - British Association of Teachers of Dancing
Northern Counties Dance Teachers Association
Volunteers in Sport West Midlands
The Model Power Boat Association
English Indoor Bowling Association
The Royal Life Saving UK
Sports and Recreation Alliance
The British Horse Society
Football Association
Parkour UK
Angling Trust
Rounders England
British Gymnastics
Auto-Cycle Union
Stoolball England
Police Sport UK
Baseball Softball UK
BIAZA (British and Irish Association of Zoos and Aquariums)
Drums Aloud
Eastbourne Seniors Club
Peace Parade UK
Cornwall Council
The Mayor of London
Scottish Federation of Small Businesses