Friday 27 January 2012

Science in Schools

Fiona Bruce MP supports schemes inspiring children to study science

On Thursday 19th January Fiona Bruce MP met in Parliament with Congleton constituency resident Dr Tony Bastock, Vice President of the European Chemicals Association (CEFIC) and Group Managing Director of Contract Chemicals, as they joined together with industrial scientists and engineers to promote schemes which inspire children to study science and to progress into science based careers.

MPs and business leaders attended the Chemical Industry All Party Parliamentary Group event in support of unique partnerships between industry and the education.

Fiona Bruce commented:

“I am encouraging all businesses in my constituency to forge closer links with local high schools. I was pleased to convene a meeting last week between several local businesses and High School Heads to promote this and open up more local job opportunities for young people in this area. This will help ensure that schools’ training plans and students’ subject selections dovetail with employers’ skills needs, and so give them the best chance to find jobs. In turn, this is key to strengthen local businesses and the economy as a whole. Partnership working is essential, which is why I am so pleased with the enthusiasm of schools and employers in my constituency to help promote this.”

Speaking of the Chemical Industry Group meeting in Parliament Fiona Bruce said:

Inspiring students about how the chemical industry touches their lives and helping them to link what they are learning in the classroom with future career opportunities in industry is crucially important to secure a flagship role for our country in research and development as well as production and manufacturing. I am thrilled to see the success of schemes, such as Children Challenging Industry, which focus on making science motivational in the classroom and inspiring the next generation of scientists and engineers, as well as the local STEM project here in Cheshire – now involving hundreds of volunteers going into schools to inspire students to study science projects.”

Tony Bastock, Vice President CEFIC (European Chemicals Association), said:

"To meet increasing technological challenges, UK businesses will need scientists of the highest calibre, at all levels, to grow and improve competitiveness.  Attracting and inspiring young people to follow careers in science is critical to this growth and competitiveness and to the success of the UK's economy.  Organisations such as the Chemical Industry Education Centre play an essential role, in introducing children, to the "wow" of science and the influence and support of Fiona Bruce, for this vital work is greatly appreciated."