Wednesday 26 June 2013

Speeding Police Vehicles

Local MP’s campaign to slow down speeding police vehicles speeds up!
Fiona Bruce MP secures Home Affairs Select Committee Inquiry

Following a meeting in Parliament earlier this year with her constituent, James Harrold who was seriously injured when he was run over by a speeding police car, Fiona Bruce MP has been campaigning in Parliament to improve the safety for the public when emergency vehicles are speeding. Fiona raised this issue with the Home Secretary in the Chamber of the House of Commons and has asked the Chairman of the Home Affairs Select Committee, Keith Vaz MP, to conduct a Parliamentary Inquiry into it.
The Home Affairs Select Committee has now agreed to look into this issue later this year and announced a formal Select Committee Inquiry. It is hoped that this will bring about a review of procedures to prevent the recurrence of serious injuries such as those suffered by James, in the future.
Fiona Bruce MP with Tony and Lorraine Neal and James Harrold

Fiona Bruce MP commented:
“As many as eighteen people a year are killed or very seriously injured by speeding emergency vehicles and this needs looking into urgently. I am pleased that the Home Affairs Select Committee has listened to my concerns and those of James and his family. I will be monitoring the progress of this inquiry and look forward to receiving its recommendations
Whilst everyone agrees that the emergency services need to get to the scene as quickly as possible, this needs to be balanced with the safety of the general public as they do so. Hopefully we will now see changes including developments regarding training procedures for emergency vehicle drivers to ensure the safety of people like James so that such tragic accidents do not happen again.”

Lorraine Neal, James Harrold’s Mother said:
“We are really happy that this is being looked into. I am thrilled with the way Fiona has handled this in Parliament and I hope legislation is passed on this. It is great for James and great for others as well that something is being done on such an important issue.”