Friday 7 June 2013

Government Minister Comes To Middlewich

Government Minister comes to Middlewich
Fiona Bruce MP arranges for Middlewich to share Cheshire FRESH plans with Government Communities Minister.

Yesterday, Fiona Bruce Member of Parliament for Middlewich arranged for representatives from the town to meet Brandon Lewis MP, Government Minister in the Department of Communities and Local Government. The purpose of the meeting, held in Middlewich Civic Buildings, was to tell the Minister of the Cheshire FRESH Rural Hub plans which could bring over 700 jobs to Middlewich.
At the meeting where Middlewich Town Mayor, Cllr Bernice Walmsley, Cllrs Paul and Sonia Edwards, Town Clerk Jonathan Williams and from Pochins, Brian Reay, Fiona Bruce said:
 “Cheshire FRESH Rural Hub is one of the most exciting projects in the North West of England. A bid for over £5 million of Government funding has been put in to help launch it and I am determined to ensure that Government Ministers are fully aware of and right behind this fantastic project. The Cheshire FRESH vision plans to bring to Middlewich, on a site at the edge of the town with excellent access from the M6, a wide range of rural businesses including a major agricultural and livestock market, hotel and restaurant, market garden centre and shops selling local and rural produce and agricultural equipment of all kinds.
This is a far cry from the plans of yesteryear for a massive incinerator in Middlewich and is, instead, just the kind of economic development which should be welcomed and will enhance the status of Middlewich as a town right in the heart of Cheshire’s rural activities with both a strong heritage and an exciting future. It will not only create hundreds of quality jobs for local people but will also draw thousands of people from wider afield to enjoy these facilities and boost the local economy.
I told the Minister how proud I am of all that Middlewich people have achieved to date, what a privilege it is to represent people who work so hard to make their community a success and how I am confident that if these plans become reality they will ensure that the Cheshire FRESH site puts Middlewich clearly on the map across the whole of the North West of England – there will quite simply be no other centre like it in the region. I am sure the Minister was impressed by all he saw and heard and will be taking this back to Westminster.”