Friday 28 June 2013

Fiona appointed Vice President of St Luke's Hospice

Fiona Bruce MP Appointed Vice President of St Luke’s Hospice
Fiona Bruce MP for Congleton has been appointed Vice President of St Luke’s Hospice at their AGM.
Fiona Bruce said
“It is a great honour to have been asked to support St Luke’s in this way; a hospice which I know from my visits there is doing groundbreaking work in terms of palliative care.
 I particularly enjoyed bringing a number of the hospice staff and volunteers to Parliament where they made an impressive presentation about the importance of involving the whole family and indeed friends in the wider community in end of life care.
 I have also enjoyed meeting with the volunteers and residents who make up the weekly outreach days of St Luke’s work at Lawton Memorial Hall in Church Lawton which I believe is a unique “day hospice in the community”.
I never cease to be impressed at the dedication and energy of the St Luke’s volunteers who I see out and about right across my constituency at so many events such as the recent Alsager Carnival, where the famous St Luke’s bus made its usual fun impact, and their fundraising stall at the Holmes Chapel Fair just last week – which was my first event as St Luke’s Vice President.”
Rosie Spiegelberg, Joint Patron of St Luke’s said
“I am so pleased that Fiona Bruce MP has agreed to become a Vice President of the Hospice; everyone at the AGM was delighted.” 

Fiona Bruce at St Luke’s fundraiser stall at Holmes Chapel Leisure Centre Fair with Susie Derbyshire to her right and Lynn Slater from the Northwich St Luke’s shop
Fiona Bruce at the St Luke’s Bus at Alsager Carnival with Jessica Wilkes-Reading, St Luke’s Community Fundraiser