Friday 7 June 2013

Fiona Bruce MP Brings Minister to Meet the People

Fiona Bruce MP Brings Minister to Meet the People
Fiona Bruce MP brought Communities Minister, Brandon Lewis MP to meet with resident’s Action Groups from across her Constituency on 6th June
Fiona Bruce MP arranged for representatives from the Action Groups concerned about planning developments across her constituency to meet with Brandon Lewis MP, Parliamentary under Secretary of State with the Department for Communities and Local Government.

Fiona Bruce MP said:
“I’ve been telling Minister for two years about the unsustainable planning pressure in my Constituency. I’ve had countless meetings with them in Parliament, taken both the current Leader of Cheshire East Council and his predecessor to meet Planning Ministers and have been working with local Action Groups throughout this period to defend every Greenfield site application for development in my Constituency.
I invited Brandon Lewis MP here, because I was determined that a Government Minister would meet face to face with local residents – people living in this area who feel frustrated and angry about the plethora of planning applications coming in. Whilst I am listening, the Town Councils are listening and Cheshire East Council are listening, and we are all doing our best locally to support our residents, national Government needs to listen too and take action to stop this.
No one here is saying, “There should be no house building,” but it needs to be appropriately sited and in a proportion which does not disrupt the strong local communities here.
I ensured that everyone who attended the meeting with the Minister, representing over ten Action Groups in my constituency, had the opportunity to speak directly to the Minister. I am absolutely sure that not only was he actively listening, but that he was left in no doubt whatsoever of the scale of concern in this area and that he will be taking our message right back to Government – including to the Secretary of State for Local Government, Eric Pickles MP, himself.”
Fiona concluded:
“My job is to be a voice for local people and to give them a voice – and that was the purpose of this meeting.”