Tuesday 25 June 2013

EU Referendum Bill

Fiona Bruce MP:  Co-sponsor our Bill, help us win historic EU vote

Members of the public are being invited to ‘co-sponsor’ a draft law underpinning an EU referendum; supporting the EU Referendum Bill in Parliament.
If successful, the Bill will lead to the first public vote on Europe for 40 years, after a renegotiation for a new deal in the EU.
Co-sponsors will be able to back the Bill using a newly innovated online co-sponsoring form as part of the www.LetBritainDecide.com campaign.
Commenting, Fiona Bruce said:

We want to give the British people a say. That’s what this innovative campaign will help us to do.
If you want Britain to be able to take a vote on Europe for the first time in 40 years, please visit www.LetBritainDecide.com. Co-sponsor our Bill, and fight for change.’


Get the app on Facebook

·         Visit www.Facebook.com/LetBritainDecide to co-sponsor the Bill, with your Facebook account.

Why Conservatives want to let Britain decide

·         It has been nearly 40 years since the British people last had their say on Europe. In that time, so much has changed – the countries involved, the powers devolved, the benefits and costs of membership. People feel that the EU has been heading in a direction they never signed up to.

·         It is right to negotiate a fresh settlement in the EU that is better for Britain - and then put the result to the British people in an in-out referendum before the end of 2017. But currently, only one of the main three political parties are supporting it: the Conservatives.

·         The Conservatives have brought forward an EU Referendum Bill to legislate for an in-out referendum before the end of 2017, following a renegotiation. This will soon be debated in Parliament, but it will need the support of either Labour or Liberal Democrat MPs to pass. We need to build a lot of public pressure quickly to get the other parties to unite behind a referendum. That’s why we are launching  LetBritainDecide.com – to build public pressure and to give people a say. This isn't just a Conservative campaign - it's for everyone who believes we need a say.