Friday 28 June 2013

Odd Rode Showcase of the Arts

Fiona Bruce MP attends Odd Rode Showcase of the Arts
All Saints Church Odd Rode held a Showcase of the Arts last weekend including dancing from Rode Heath Primary School singing and drama from Scholar Green Primary School and music and dancing from Woodcocks Well Primary School.
In the Church there were demonstrations of painting, quilting, sewing and musical presentations throughout the weekend including from the Good Shepherd ‘S’ Club, members of whom are shown with Fiona Bruce helping to decorate the Showcase of the Arts cake produced by Sandra Roberts (seated) with Barbara Jones, one of the event organisers.

The children shown are left to right – Hannah Taylor, Millie Leese, Katie Bowers.

Fiona appointed Vice President of St Luke's Hospice

Fiona Bruce MP Appointed Vice President of St Luke’s Hospice
Fiona Bruce MP for Congleton has been appointed Vice President of St Luke’s Hospice at their AGM.
Fiona Bruce said
“It is a great honour to have been asked to support St Luke’s in this way; a hospice which I know from my visits there is doing groundbreaking work in terms of palliative care.
 I particularly enjoyed bringing a number of the hospice staff and volunteers to Parliament where they made an impressive presentation about the importance of involving the whole family and indeed friends in the wider community in end of life care.
 I have also enjoyed meeting with the volunteers and residents who make up the weekly outreach days of St Luke’s work at Lawton Memorial Hall in Church Lawton which I believe is a unique “day hospice in the community”.
I never cease to be impressed at the dedication and energy of the St Luke’s volunteers who I see out and about right across my constituency at so many events such as the recent Alsager Carnival, where the famous St Luke’s bus made its usual fun impact, and their fundraising stall at the Holmes Chapel Fair just last week – which was my first event as St Luke’s Vice President.”
Rosie Spiegelberg, Joint Patron of St Luke’s said
“I am so pleased that Fiona Bruce MP has agreed to become a Vice President of the Hospice; everyone at the AGM was delighted.” 

Fiona Bruce at St Luke’s fundraiser stall at Holmes Chapel Leisure Centre Fair with Susie Derbyshire to her right and Lynn Slater from the Northwich St Luke’s shop
Fiona Bruce at the St Luke’s Bus at Alsager Carnival with Jessica Wilkes-Reading, St Luke’s Community Fundraiser

National Care Home Open Day

Fiona Bruce MP visited Greengables Nursing Centre on National Care Home Open Day.

Picture shows Fiona Bruce MP with Home Manager Irene Pointon, residents and staff.

High Speed Two

Fiona Bruce, MP for Congleton, raised the following question in the House of Commons this week during the HS2 debate with the Secretary of State for Transport Patrick McLoughlin MP:- (extract from Hansard follows)

Fiona Bruce (Congleton) (Con): Is the Secretary of State aware that if there is to be a tangible economic benefit to my constituency and the wider Cheshire region, there must be a hub station stop at Crewe, otherwise it will take longer to travel by High Speed 2 up to Manchester and then travel down on a local line to that area?
Mr McLoughlin: I know that my hon. Friend is concerned, as I am, to make sure that there are sufficient connections right across the country. We have not yet reached the consultation stage on phase 2. Part of the reason why we published phase 2, although it would have been easier not to do that, was to show our commitment to serving the north, right up to Manchester, Leeds and the east midlands. So I am pretty sure that I will be hearing a lot more from my hon. Friend and others on the question of where the station should be located—Crewe or Staffordshire.

Speaking after the debate Fiona Bruce saidMy views regarding HS2 remain the same as when I first spoke about this in the House in October 2011. This is a huge amount of money which unless there is a Crewe stop would in my mind be better spent supporting local transport projects at a fraction of the price such as re-opening Middlewich Railway Station, building the Congleton Link Road and tackling the speed and pressure of heavy traffic through Holmes Chapel which has troubled residents for years.
I do not believe that this business case for HS2 has been made out – certainly not in terms of the economic benefit for this constituency – and my constituents, if it goes ahead, will pay for it like everyone else across the country, at a time of great economic pressure – even though it is clear that it will actually take longer to travel from Birmingham to Manchester and then return back here on a local line than on the current West Coast Mainline. Without the assurance of a hub station stop at Crewe, which would open up this whole region to the economic benefits of HS2, I was not prepared to vote for this week’s Bill and I shall keep pressing for the Crewe stop until I obtain the Transport Minister’s assurance for this.
I am also aware that whilst the proposed track will not pass through my constituency it goes very near it and the proposals are therefore deeply concerning to very many people across Cheshire with the current compensation arrangements wholly inadequate. It is essential that their concerns are addressed by Government and for this reason also I could not support the Bill this week.”

Wednesday 26 June 2013

Speeding Police Vehicles

Local MP’s campaign to slow down speeding police vehicles speeds up!
Fiona Bruce MP secures Home Affairs Select Committee Inquiry

Following a meeting in Parliament earlier this year with her constituent, James Harrold who was seriously injured when he was run over by a speeding police car, Fiona Bruce MP has been campaigning in Parliament to improve the safety for the public when emergency vehicles are speeding. Fiona raised this issue with the Home Secretary in the Chamber of the House of Commons and has asked the Chairman of the Home Affairs Select Committee, Keith Vaz MP, to conduct a Parliamentary Inquiry into it.
The Home Affairs Select Committee has now agreed to look into this issue later this year and announced a formal Select Committee Inquiry. It is hoped that this will bring about a review of procedures to prevent the recurrence of serious injuries such as those suffered by James, in the future.
Fiona Bruce MP with Tony and Lorraine Neal and James Harrold

Fiona Bruce MP commented:
“As many as eighteen people a year are killed or very seriously injured by speeding emergency vehicles and this needs looking into urgently. I am pleased that the Home Affairs Select Committee has listened to my concerns and those of James and his family. I will be monitoring the progress of this inquiry and look forward to receiving its recommendations
Whilst everyone agrees that the emergency services need to get to the scene as quickly as possible, this needs to be balanced with the safety of the general public as they do so. Hopefully we will now see changes including developments regarding training procedures for emergency vehicle drivers to ensure the safety of people like James so that such tragic accidents do not happen again.”

Lorraine Neal, James Harrold’s Mother said:
“We are really happy that this is being looked into. I am thrilled with the way Fiona has handled this in Parliament and I hope legislation is passed on this. It is great for James and great for others as well that something is being done on such an important issue.”

Tuesday 25 June 2013

EU Referendum Bill

Fiona Bruce MP:  Co-sponsor our Bill, help us win historic EU vote

Members of the public are being invited to ‘co-sponsor’ a draft law underpinning an EU referendum; supporting the EU Referendum Bill in Parliament.
If successful, the Bill will lead to the first public vote on Europe for 40 years, after a renegotiation for a new deal in the EU.
Co-sponsors will be able to back the Bill using a newly innovated online co-sponsoring form as part of the campaign.
Commenting, Fiona Bruce said:

We want to give the British people a say. That’s what this innovative campaign will help us to do.
If you want Britain to be able to take a vote on Europe for the first time in 40 years, please visit Co-sponsor our Bill, and fight for change.’


Get the app on Facebook

·         Visit to co-sponsor the Bill, with your Facebook account.

Why Conservatives want to let Britain decide

·         It has been nearly 40 years since the British people last had their say on Europe. In that time, so much has changed – the countries involved, the powers devolved, the benefits and costs of membership. People feel that the EU has been heading in a direction they never signed up to.

·         It is right to negotiate a fresh settlement in the EU that is better for Britain - and then put the result to the British people in an in-out referendum before the end of 2017. But currently, only one of the main three political parties are supporting it: the Conservatives.

·         The Conservatives have brought forward an EU Referendum Bill to legislate for an in-out referendum before the end of 2017, following a renegotiation. This will soon be debated in Parliament, but it will need the support of either Labour or Liberal Democrat MPs to pass. We need to build a lot of public pressure quickly to get the other parties to unite behind a referendum. That’s why we are launching – to build public pressure and to give people a say. This isn't just a Conservative campaign - it's for everyone who believes we need a say.

Alsager Summer Festival

Alsager Festival set to entertain this Summer!
Fiona Bruce and Lindsay Lewis of the Alsager Partnership at the Alsager Carnival
The Alsager Summer Festival has begun this month and is set to brings culture and fun to Alsager this Summer, with a wide variety of different musical events to suit all tastes, a rock concert in Milton Park, and poetry readings, there really is something for everyone this year!
“It was exciting to hear how the Alsager Summer Festival is going from strength to strength with a much bigger programme this year and events to suit everyone in Alsager and to invite guests from further afield. This year’s festival is really putting Alsager on the Arts and Culture map and I am thoroughly looking forward to attending events, in particular this Friday’s key event with nationally acclaimed poet and author Roger McGough at St Mary’s.”
Further information and tickets can be obtainable from the Box Office on 01270 375525. Programme details are available at There are events until 13th July.

Friday 21 June 2013

The Cheshire and Warrington Local Transport Body

The Middlewich Rail Link Campaign welcomes creation of new transport group, ‘The Cheshire & Warrington Local Transport Body’

Members of the Middlewich Rail Link Campaign (MRLC) have welcomed the creation of a new transport group with delegated powers from the Department of Transport to make strategic decisions aimed at improving transport links across the County of Cheshire and beyond.
Speaking two weeks after attending the first meeting of the Cheshire & Warrington Local Transport Body (CWLTB) Fiona Bruce MP said, ‘the stated aim of the CWLTB is “to improve transport infrastructure to secure significant connectivity gains in the support of economic growth and prosperity” in the region.
‘This would be one of the key benefits of opening up Middlewich Station for passengers and the MRLC is pressing the CWLTB to ensure that this important project is on its high priority list.’
Bernice Walmsley, Mayor of Middlewich, said at the Middlewich Rail Link Campaign’s latest meeting at the end of  May, ‘I welcome the creation of this new body and hope it will result in the provision of the transport links Middlewich needs and deserves.’
Cheshire East Councillor Mike Parsons said, ‘this scheme would, if applied properly, satisfy all the criteria we need to engage Network Rail in full commitment.
‘With Pete Waterman on the board of the new body and also Patron of the Middlewich Rail Link Campaign, the group is optimistic that the importance of improving rail connectivity across the region, and the part the Middlewich scheme will play in achieving this, will be recognised.’
Dave Roberts, Chairman of MRLC, said, ‘this is a real and genuine breakthrough. Until now we’ve been dealing with the Department of Transport in London which, though sympathetic to our arguments and always willing to offer advice, clearly had its priorities centred on London and the South East when it came to rail development. This new body, which is able to make strategic decisions here in the North-West and, crucially, will also be able to secure funding and investment for schemes such as ours, is a major step forward and we are sure that with the involvement of Fiona Bruce MP and Pete Waterman in our plans, we now stand a better chance than ever of bringing back vitally important rail services to Middlewich, greatly benefitting not only this town, but the County and the wider regional area.’

Monday 10 June 2013

Holmes Chapel Scouts AGM and Fair

Fiona Bruce MP Attends Holmes Chapel Scouts AGM and Fair
Fiona Bruce MP attended the AGM of Holmes Chapel Scouts on Saturday 8th June and said after the meeting:
“It was a real pleasure to attend the AGM of the many Holmes Chapel Scout Groups and to hear of their remarkably wide range of activities which are clearly hugely enjoyed by the many Beavers, Cubs and Scouts involved, and to have the opportunity to congratulate all those who put so much hard work into making Holmes Chapel Scouts such a flourishing success, particularly the Leaders and supportive parents.”

Middlewich Good Neighbours Scheme Launch

MP Attends Middlewich Good Neighbours Scheme Launch

Fiona Bruce MP attended the above launch on Saturday 8th June and speaking after the event said:
What is impressive about the Middlewich Good Neighbours Project is that it is a partnership of so many different community groups including Churches in the town, Middlewich Vision, PlusDane, the Town Council and most importantly, the volunteers themselves.
The benefit of the giving and receiving, caring and sharing, of Middlewich Good Neighbours will be felt far beyond the individual acts of kindness involved – important as they are; this will strengthen relationships right across the town so that no one in Middlewich need feel isolated or lonely and I congratulate everyone involved in making this happen.”

Friday 7 June 2013

Government Minister Comes To Middlewich

Government Minister comes to Middlewich
Fiona Bruce MP arranges for Middlewich to share Cheshire FRESH plans with Government Communities Minister.

Yesterday, Fiona Bruce Member of Parliament for Middlewich arranged for representatives from the town to meet Brandon Lewis MP, Government Minister in the Department of Communities and Local Government. The purpose of the meeting, held in Middlewich Civic Buildings, was to tell the Minister of the Cheshire FRESH Rural Hub plans which could bring over 700 jobs to Middlewich.
At the meeting where Middlewich Town Mayor, Cllr Bernice Walmsley, Cllrs Paul and Sonia Edwards, Town Clerk Jonathan Williams and from Pochins, Brian Reay, Fiona Bruce said:
 “Cheshire FRESH Rural Hub is one of the most exciting projects in the North West of England. A bid for over £5 million of Government funding has been put in to help launch it and I am determined to ensure that Government Ministers are fully aware of and right behind this fantastic project. The Cheshire FRESH vision plans to bring to Middlewich, on a site at the edge of the town with excellent access from the M6, a wide range of rural businesses including a major agricultural and livestock market, hotel and restaurant, market garden centre and shops selling local and rural produce and agricultural equipment of all kinds.
This is a far cry from the plans of yesteryear for a massive incinerator in Middlewich and is, instead, just the kind of economic development which should be welcomed and will enhance the status of Middlewich as a town right in the heart of Cheshire’s rural activities with both a strong heritage and an exciting future. It will not only create hundreds of quality jobs for local people but will also draw thousands of people from wider afield to enjoy these facilities and boost the local economy.
I told the Minister how proud I am of all that Middlewich people have achieved to date, what a privilege it is to represent people who work so hard to make their community a success and how I am confident that if these plans become reality they will ensure that the Cheshire FRESH site puts Middlewich clearly on the map across the whole of the North West of England – there will quite simply be no other centre like it in the region. I am sure the Minister was impressed by all he saw and heard and will be taking this back to Westminster.”

Fiona Bruce MP Brings Minister to Meet the People

Fiona Bruce MP Brings Minister to Meet the People
Fiona Bruce MP brought Communities Minister, Brandon Lewis MP to meet with resident’s Action Groups from across her Constituency on 6th June
Fiona Bruce MP arranged for representatives from the Action Groups concerned about planning developments across her constituency to meet with Brandon Lewis MP, Parliamentary under Secretary of State with the Department for Communities and Local Government.

Fiona Bruce MP said:
“I’ve been telling Minister for two years about the unsustainable planning pressure in my Constituency. I’ve had countless meetings with them in Parliament, taken both the current Leader of Cheshire East Council and his predecessor to meet Planning Ministers and have been working with local Action Groups throughout this period to defend every Greenfield site application for development in my Constituency.
I invited Brandon Lewis MP here, because I was determined that a Government Minister would meet face to face with local residents – people living in this area who feel frustrated and angry about the plethora of planning applications coming in. Whilst I am listening, the Town Councils are listening and Cheshire East Council are listening, and we are all doing our best locally to support our residents, national Government needs to listen too and take action to stop this.
No one here is saying, “There should be no house building,” but it needs to be appropriately sited and in a proportion which does not disrupt the strong local communities here.
I ensured that everyone who attended the meeting with the Minister, representing over ten Action Groups in my constituency, had the opportunity to speak directly to the Minister. I am absolutely sure that not only was he actively listening, but that he was left in no doubt whatsoever of the scale of concern in this area and that he will be taking our message right back to Government – including to the Secretary of State for Local Government, Eric Pickles MP, himself.”
Fiona concluded:
“My job is to be a voice for local people and to give them a voice – and that was the purpose of this meeting.”

Monday 3 June 2013

RSA Hits Cool Million Target!

MP Fiona Bruce celebrates with Alsager based Raynaud’s and Scleroderma Association hitting its Cool Million pounds fundraising target

Fiona Bruce MP, who launched the Cool Million campaign of the Raynaud’s and Scleroderma Association (RSA) in 2010, which aimed to raise £1million, has met with their new Chief Executive Elizabeth Bevins this week to congratulate the RSA on hitting this target within just three years.

Fiona Bruce said “I congratulate everyone at the RSA on raising this incredible sum of a million pounds in just 3 years. For a locally based charity to achieve this is quite remarkable. It is a wonderful final tribute to RSA’s founder, Anne Mawdsley MBE as she steps down as Chief Executive and an equally exciting start for Elizabeth Bevins as she starts out in that role. I take this opportunity to welcome Elizabeth, as the new Head of the RSA – the only charity in the country raising money and awareness for Raynaud’s and Scleroderma sufferers.”
Elizabeth Bevins, RSA’s new Chief Executive Officer saidDaunting as it sounds following Anne’s successful 30 years at the helm, I am excited about building on the charity’s achievements and taking it into the future.  People of all ages who have Raynaud’s and the rheumatic disease, scleroderma can be confident that the RSA are putting their needs at the heart of all our plans. With the energy, imagination and dedication of the team - together with supporters and fundraisers from all walks of life – we will help beat these conditions. ”
Having achieved this remarkable target, the RSA is not standing still. Their next event to raise funds for this important work will be a ‘Charity Food Night’ at Latif’s Indian Restaurant, Crewe Road, Alsager on 11th June. Tickets are £20 a person and can be obtained, along with further information, by calling 01270 872776 or visiting our website New supporters would be particularly welcome.
Whilst, Scleroderma is relatively rare, with about 8000 sufferers in the UK, Raynaud’s affects more than 10 million people, can affect any age group, and is far more than just having ‘cold hands’. This is a truly debilitating disease, seriously affecting the dexterity and sensitivity of the hands and fingers in particular. The RSA works to help and advise those experiencing and living with these conditions.
The ‘Cool Million’ raised is being used to fund projects in the UK dedicated to finding out more about the management and understanding of Raynaud's and Scleroderma in areas identified by patients.