Tuesday 17 March 2015

Minister agrees to consider Call-In of Goostrey Planning Application

Minister agrees to consider Call-In of Goostrey Planning Application

Government Housing Minister, Brandon Lewis MP, yesterday agreed in the House of Commons, to give full considerations to a request by Fiona Bruce MP for the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government to Call In a planning application for 119 houses in Goostrey close to Jodrell Bank.

Asking the Minister in the Chamber of the House of Commons today, Fiona Bruce said
Will Ministers give very serious consideration to a call-in request I have made relating to a planning application for 190 properties in Goostrey? It would generate detrimental interference to the radio telescopes and world-leading scientific work at Jodrell Bank, and is therefore a concern of national significance.

Responding, Brandon Lewis MP said

 My hon. Friend will appreciate that I cannot comment on a particular planning application, but any such request will be given full consideration. I know that she has campaigned very hard with local residents to protect what they perceive as an important piece of local infrastructure. I will obviously look at all the details that come in.

Yesterday was the third time Fiona Bruce has raised, with Ministers in the House of Commons, concerns about the potentially damaging effect such a large housing development near to Jodrell Bank could have on the sensitive radio telescopes there. (Previous debates of 14th January and 5th March are copied below)

Speaking after the Minister’s response, Fiona Bruce saidGovernment Ministers have got the message loud and clear that this development should not go ahead. The work at Jodrell Bank is world leading and Government had committed to investing over £100million in the Square Kilometre Array Project of which Jodrell Bank is a key part.

The work at Jodrell Bank is of strategic importance to the future of radio astronomy and I am very pleased that Ministers have today confirmed that they will carefully consider the detailed submissions which I have made on behalf of residents and Jodrell Bank itself.

The Call In of an application refers to the power of the Secretary of State to take the decision on a particular planning application out of the hands of the local planning authority for his own determination and one of the key grounds is because there are matters of national significance involved. Surely there can be fewer better arguments for a Call In of a planning proposal than detrimental impact on Jodrell Bank.”