Friday 13 March 2015

English Votes for English Laws

Fiona Bruce MP campaigns for English Votes for English Laws

Fiona Bruce, Member of Parliament for Congleton, a Patron of the Fair Votes for All campaign is calling for English votes for English issues to be introduced into the House of Commons as soon as possible.

Campaigning in Congleton this week with local Councillors, Fiona has secured signatures of a number of Congleton residents to a petition calling for these reforms which will be presented to Government.

Fiona commented, “This is a hugely important constitutional issue and I was delighted at the reaction of local people and their support for this campaign.

With the Scottish Parliament having considerable powers over matter such as health, education,  and with more  being passed over following the independence referendum last year, it is completely wrong that Scottish MPs can vote in the House of Commons on such matters relating solely to England. English MPs should have the sole ability to determine English only laws – mirroring the powers of the Scottish Parliament to determine Scottish only laws.

The petition people signed here and across the country will be presented in the House of Commons next week.” 

Cllr Gordon Baxendale saidThis is an important campaign – it is about fairness – English MPs cannot vote on devolved matters affecting Scotland – Scottish MPs should not be able to vote on matters which affect only English people. We were very pleased at the strong support the petition gathered in Congleton as part of this national campaign – especially as it was pouring down!”