Friday 27 March 2015

Local MP presents English votes petition to Parliament

Local MP presents English votes petition to Parliament

Fiona Bruce MP, Patron of the Fair Votes for All campaign, this evening presented to Parliament a petition calling for English votes for English issues to be introduced in the House of Commons as soon as possible. Petitions have been raised in dozens of constituencies across England. There was a co-ordinated presentation of the petitions to the Speaker in the House of Commons Chamber, with MPs from across England taking part.

Fiona Bruce said: “I am delighted to be presenting this petition for English votes for English issues on behalf of my constituents. The people of the Congleton Constituency expect a fair settlement for all parts of the United Kingdom. We want to be able to decide our own priorities on issues such as health, education and local government, just as the people of Scotland are currently able to do. It is a basic unfairness that Scottish MPs can currently vote on English-only issues. English votes for English issues is a simple, but important change that will remove this injustice.

“With the threat of an SNP-Labour Coalition just a few weeks away, we cannot risk the possibility that Alex Salmond will decide how English hospitals and English schools are run. English votes for English issues is the best way of ensuring Scottish Nationalists do not determine English-only issues.”

Graham Stuart MP, Chairman of the Fair Votes for All campaign, said: “Fiona is a fantastic local campaigner. She has done a great job representing the views of her constituents. People in Congleton feel strongly that their voice in Parliament on English-only issues should not be diluted by Scottish MPs. I congratulate Fiona for raising her petition which calls for an end to this fundamental unfairness.” 


  1. Fair Votes for All is a cross-party campaign to introduce English Votes for English Issues as soon as possible in the House of Commons.

  1. The wording of the petition is:

“Declares that the Petitioners believe that when Parliament makes decisions affecting only the people of England, or England and Wales then those decisions should be made only by the Members of Parliament elected to represent England, or England and Wales; and

The Petitioners therefore request that the House of Commons creates fairness in the devolution settlement by ensuring decisions having a separate and distinct effect on England, or England and Wales, are decided only by the Members of Parliament elected to represent England, or England and Wales. And the Petitioners remain, etc.”