Wednesday 18 March 2015

Fiona Bruce MP praises 2nd Annual Drugs Awareness Day in Congleton High Schools

Fiona Bruce MP praises 2nd Annual Drugs Awareness Day in Congleton High Schools

The 2nd Annual Drugs Awareness Days for young people in Congleton were held at Eaton Bank Academy on 27th February 2015 and Congleton High School on 6th March 2015.

This was an initiative conceived and developed by the town Youth Committee in conjunction with Fiona Bruce MP to ensure that every young person in Congleton is informed about the dangers of drugs early in their high school life.

Over the years this will mean that every young person in Congleton will be equipped to withstand doing drugs.

This year’s event was presented by PC Jane Commins and her colleagues to Year 9 pupils and included a presentation on the risks of taking both illegal drugs and mainstream addictive substances such as alcohol and tobacco, as well as solvent abuse and legal highs, including rather sobering photographs of the effects of drug abuse.

The session concluded with an activity in which the students could make their own ‘brain hat’ showing the different areas of the brain, and were told how cannabis can affect the ‘pre-frontal cortex’ which is responsible for logic and reasoning.

Fiona Bruce MP saidI consider the Annual Drugs Awareness Day for young people in Congleton to be one of the most positive initiatives which has been achieved by and for young people in the town during my time as MP for Congleton. I pay tribute to the Youth Council and former Mayors Cllr Sally Ann Holland and Cllr George Hayes who worked prodigiously with me and the Youth Council to ensure this initiative was started and also to both High Schools who are now fully committed to it continuing year on year.”