Wednesday 9 July 2014

'Keep Me Posted' Campaign

Fiona Bruce MP Challenges United Utilities to commit to ‘Keep Me Posted’ Campaign

Fiona Bruce MP has challenged the water company United Utilities to commit to the Keep Me Posted Campaign to ensure that all residents in her constituency continue to receive bills and other correspondence for United Utilities by post should they wish to do so.
Fiona Bruce saidAs an MP in the area with the highest level of elderly constituents in the North West, I know how important it is to them not to be digitally excluded from society and I am working as part of the Keep Me Posted campaign in Parliament to make sure this does not happen.”
The Keep Me Posted campaign, which has been running for a year, is aiming to tackle the steady progress of mobile phone companies, banks and energy suppliers who are providing an increasingly online service in terms of access to bills and statements. Customers can now often be charged a fee to receive a paper copy of a statement and this puts those members of the community who do not wish to bank or pay bills online or do not have the necessary IT capacity at a significant disadvantage. The Keep Me Posted campaign aims to ensure that anyone can have access to paper bills and statements should they wish to do so, without paying a penalty.
Fiona Bruce addedLoneliness is now being recognised as an increasing problem for many elderly people. It is important that we do all we can to ensure older people feel a valued part of society – we owe them a lot – and that they do not feel left out – this is one way. The Keep Me Posted campaign is about fairness.”
More information can be found at