Wednesday 30 July 2014

Crime Figures

Fiona Bruce MP “Action plan to tackle crime is making Congleton Constituency a safer place to live”

Fiona Bruce MP has welcomed news that crime is falling. Latest figures from the independent Office for National Statistics show that since 2010 recorded crime in Cheshire has fallen by 16%

The Government is following an action plan to tackle crime by:

  1. Freeing the police to fight crime by cutting red tape and scrapping unnecessary targets
  2. Giving criminals tougher sentences so communities are protected and justice is done
  3. Giving the police the powers they need to tackle criminals, using the latest tools and techniques
  4. Stopping people from becoming criminals by tackling the root causes of crime
  5. Making the police answer to the community to help drive down crime in your area

Commenting, local MP Fiona Bruce said:

‘We’re making Britain an even safer place to live, work, and raise a family with our action plan to tackle crime.

‘Recorded crime is down by 16% in Cheshire thanks to our plan, and the hard work of police officers. 

‘Families are safer and more secure – and Congleton Constituency can enjoy a better, brighter future.’

·         Crime measured by the independent Crime Survey has fallen by 22 per cent since 2010. This is the lowest level since the survey began in 1981 (ONS, Crime in England and Wales, period ending March 2014, 17 July 2014, link).
·         Police recorded crime (excluding fraud) has fallen by 16 per cent since June 2010 (ibid.).
·         Percentage change in recorded crime (excluding fraud) since June 2010 by police force area. Since the year ending September 2013 figures, ONS have published headline national crime figures that include centralised (Action Fraud) recording of fraud and a separate series which excludes fraud. Due to the staggered move of recording fraud offences from forces to Action Fraud, figures for forces are shown excluding fraud offences to allow for consistent comparisons (Office for National Statistics, Police recorded crime year ending March 2014, 17 July 2014, link).

Police Force Area
% change Jun 10 to Mar 14

England & Wales Total