Friday 11 July 2014

Astbury Mere Country Park Eco-Centre Award

Fiona Bruce MP congratulates Astbury Mere on Eco-Centre title Award

Fiona Bruce MP visited Astbury Mere Country Park today to congratulate them on being awarded the title of “Eco-Centre” by the Keep Britain Tidy.  Astbury Mere are the first and only establishment across Cheshire to receive this prestigious award.
A short ceremony was held with Fiona Bruce MP for the handing over of the Eco-Flag to the park and was attended by all those who had work to achieve the award, local residents, the Eco committee, the Astbury Mere Country Park Ranger, representatives from Cheshire Wildlife Trust and Congleton Sustainability Group.
Fiona Bruce saidThis is a tremendous achievement for a group of committed, community minded people who work incredibly hard to maintain this fabulous public open space. It is a testament to their hard work and dedication that they are the first to receive this award in Cheshire and I am extremely proud that I represent Astbury Mere in my Constituency.”