Wednesday 30 July 2014

Campaign for Earlier Cancer Diagnosis

Fiona Bruce MP Backs Campaign for Earlier Cancer Diagnosis

Congleton MP, Fiona Bruce, has shown her support for improving earlier cancer diagnosis while attending an All Party Parliamentary Group on Cancer (APPGC) event in Parliament.
The event marked the success of the APPGC and wider cancer community in getting crucial one-year cancer survival data presented in the Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) Outcomes Indicator Set (OIS), the measure that monitors CCGs’ priorities and improvements. By putting one-year survival rates up in lights, CCGs will be able to identify where progress is vitally needed and make strides towards improving survival – as late diagnosis makes for poor survival rates.
The UK is behind its international and European neighbours in cancer survival2. The APPGC believes that this must change. By 2020, almost half of people will receive a cancer diagnosis during their lifetime3. Cancer survival rates in the UK are among the worst in Europe – not least because many people are diagnosed too late.
At the event, Fiona Bruce was presented with the cancer survival rates in East Cheshire that showed that 68% of people with cancer will live for a year after diagnosis.

Speaking on the subject, Fiona saidWe know that early diagnosis of cancer often leads to better survival rates for patients. The one-year cancer survival rates in East Cheshire will help residents to see how the CCG is performing and demand improvements.  As the MP, I will be meeting the CCG leadership to discuss how, together, we can ensure more people survive cancer.

“In this area only 68% of people live for a year or more after a cancer diagnosis.  More work is needed through earlier diagnosis to increase this number, as the UK still has among the lowest survival rates in Europe. Better screening uptake, diagnostics at Primary Care, public awareness and GP training are all possible initiatives our local CCG could introduce. Many lives each year could be saved as a result"