Friday 21 October 2011


Fiona Bruce MP Speaks at AGM of Cheshire Association of Local Councils

The 2011 AGM of the Cheshire Association of Local Councils (ChALC) was held in Middlewich this week. Approximately 200 Councillors and Officers from Town and Parish Councils across Cheshire packed Middlewich Civic Hall.

Delegates’ discussions focused on the fairness of Unitary Authorities adequately recompensing Councils who take responsibility for Local Street cleansing, as well as the importance of protecting greenbelt and green gap areas across Cheshire in light of the changes proposed by the National Planning Policy Framework currently before Parliament.

Fiona Bruce MP addressed the meeting and informed delegates that she has made representations to Greg Clark Minister of State for Communities and Local Government, on behalf of Cheshire Councils for transitional arrangements to be put in place to ensure ongoing protection for greenbelt and green spaces in Cheshire prior to the new local development frameworks being put in place, which on present time scales will be completed after the NPPF comes into force.

Speaking after the meeting Fiona Bruce MP said “I’ve written to the Minister since because Cheshire East, in which my constituency of Congleton stands is a relatively new Unitary Council, it has not had time to put in place a local development framework, whilst pre-existing local plans for certain towns within the Unitary Council area will shortly expire – leaving a potential void in the designation of green spaces to be retained as un-built areas which, without appropriate transitional area to protect them – developers may seize upon.  It is essential that we protect these precious green areas – Cheshire should not be put in a detrimental position as a result of re-organisation required by the last Government and the resulting potentially conflicting timetables of two sets of plans the LDF and the NPPF.

 Developers are already targeting green spaces in Sandbach and Middlewich – I am acutely aware of how real the concerns of residents are within my constituency to ensure that these areas remain open and un-built upon for people to enjoy.”

Chairman, Stuart Hulse said:

"The Cheshire Association of local Councils was delighted that Fiona Bruce MP was able to take time from her busy schedule to attend our AGM. I think Fiona was impressed by the turn out showing that the first tier of local Government is alive and well in the County of Cheshire. Fiona impressed delegates with her understanding of the concerns of delegates that changes to the planning regime may put the green belt under pressure."