Tuesday 18 October 2011

Speed Networking

Fiona Bruce MP goes ‘Speed Networking’ via video message

Speaking via video message at a recent Speed Networking event held at Crewe Alex Football Club and hosted by Community and Voluntary Services Cheshire East and Cheshire East Council to help strengthen and support voluntary work in the area, Fiona Bruce MP said:

“I am really pleased to see this event taking place.  It provides a great opportunity for local voluntary and community groups to network with Cheshire East Council.  The Government is working to make it easier to run a charity, social enterprise or voluntary organisation; to make more resources available for much valued, Voluntary, Community and Faith organisations and to make it easier for these organisations to work with Councils and other public bodies.

In order to achieve this it is important for the Local Authority to have strong, effective links with local Voluntary and Community groups.  In this way, together, we can all get the best outcomes for local communities and individuals.

Everyone involved in providing community services works hard to support vulnerable people.  Local services in this area are already very good; everyone involved is, I know, keen to look at even better ways of providing the help local people need and in the way they want it.

The good attendance at today’s event from Cheshire East Councillors and Staff shows just how important the Council considers the work that Voluntary, Faith and Community groups do and how much the Council wants to strengthen and support their work.

Communication is key to good joint working.  What better way than an interactive networking event where people can make contacts for a better working future?   Today’s event will, I’m sure, prove beneficial for everyone involved, most of all those who need help right across Cheshire East.”