Friday 7 October 2011

Careers Day in Congleton

MP praises Careers, Jobs & Training Open Day in Congleton

Fiona Bruce MP attended the Big Kiss event at Congleton Town Hall on Thursday.  The event was held in order for people of all ages and backgrounds to meet employers and local businesses, giving them chance to receive guidance on such things as CV writing, business set up, participate in mock interviews, motivational training and presentations and workshops. KISS is an acronym for Knowledge, Information Sharing and Support, with the aim of providing these to connect people with learning and employment opportunities.

The event was opened by Ann Webb, Headteacher of Eaton Bank School with David Hermitt, Principal of Congleton High School and Fiona Bruce MP.

Fiona said “One of the key ways in which we can maximise job opportunities for people, young and old alike, in Congleton is for the schools and other training organisations to work closely with local businesses.  I am working on helping to strengthen this so that we really can match up employer’s needs with appropriate skills training and information about local job opportunities.  That’s why the Big Kiss was such a great event, bringing so many of these key players together in the same place, at the same time.
What is also great to see, are the number of new Apprenticeships in this area – this is something the Government sees as a major initiative – the country needs their skills.  The vocational route to a career should be just as accessible and navigable as academia and everyone with practical talents should be equally able to fulfil their potential and be given the opportunity to make a valuable contribution. It’s great to see the wide range of Apprenticeship opportunities available in the Cheshire area –from Health and Social Care to Business Administration and Professional Cookery, and the increasing number of local employers offering them.”