Tuesday 13 December 2011

Institute of Advanced Motorists

Fiona Bruce MP represents Congleton Branch of Institute of Advanced Motorists at national meeting at RAC Club

Fiona Bruce MP attended the Institute of Advanced Motorists (IAM) Annual Lunch at the RAC Club in London last week to represent the Congleton Branch, of which she is Patron.

Fiona said:
“I am very pleased to have been invited to this important occasion and to be able to represent the Congleton Branch of the Institute of Advanced Motorists as their Patron. 
This is the second event this week I have attended in this capacity, the other being a presentation in Parliament by Cheshire Fire and Rescue Service on their ThinkDriveSurvive scheme for 17 to 25 year olds. 
Under this scheme Fire Officers are going into schools across Cheshire and reaching thousands of young people with safer driving messages, such as not being distracted by passengers, switching off mobile phones, not drinking any alcohol at all before driving and in this dark weather checking your lights are working every day.
 This time of year, these messages are particularly important for everyone – and especially young people since they are four times more likely to crash and newly qualified drivers are estimated to be 33% more likely to crash than learners.  Road crashes are the biggest killer of young people in the UK.  I commend Cheshire Fire and Rescue Service for this initiative.  ThinkDriveSurvive is playing a vital part in preventing death and serious injury on the roads. It is excellent to see Cheshire Fire and Rescue Service taking the national lead on this important issue.”
At the National meeting of the IAM, Mike Penning MP and Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Transport also spoke of the need for changes to driver education suggesting all tests for road vehicles should be ‘fit for purpose” and that there is a need to target drivers aged 17-25 who were not around for the first wave of anti drink driving campaigning saying “we need to get the message through - It is a privilege to...talk to experts who are so passionate about improving road safety.”
The IAM is the UK’s leading road safety charity and is dedicated to increasing skills for all road users, raising driving and riding standards and helping to save lives on the road.
John Twigg, Chairman of Congleton Advanced Motorists said:
“We are delighted to have Fiona Bruce MP as President of the Group and her active support for our work to reduce the tragic loss of life on local roads. All of the evidence shows that raising the standard of driving is the cheapest and most effective way of improving road safety.”

Monday 12 December 2011

Children's Society

Children’s Society Speaker in Middlewich

Aelison Wilson spoke at St Michael and All Angels Church in Middlewich of the different ways in which volunteers undertake work for the Children’s Society.
Aelison, who lives in Frodsham, and who’s work for the Children’s Society covers a wide range of the North West region said:
“Some of our volunteers go into schools to take a small group of children or simply to listen to them, to help improve behaviour because so many children spend so much time put in front of a television.”
She also told of the work the Children’s Society in supporting those who run away from home, this being the current, major project of the Children’s Society – a growing need when 100,000 children run away from home each year in our country.
The Children’s Society does not run any homes of its own but volunteers go into homes to help handicapped children in care – for example to take handicapped children out every Saturday.  Another area of their work, which is based in Northwich, is to help children who are “on the edge of the law” – The Children’s Society tries to get alongside them and so keep them out of trouble.
In closing Aelison said “We interviewed thousands of children to ask them what makes a good childhood, as our country is the worst in the developed European sector for growing up as a child for many reasons.  Interestingly, the main factor which children cited as making a good childhood was to give them time.”
Fiona Bruce MP, who attended the talk, said “The work of The Children’s Society is especially valuable at this time of year and at a time when politicians from different parties are saying that the biggest threat to our society is not economic, but the disintegration of the family life, the Children’s Society is playing a vital role in supporting vulnerable children and families.”

Tuesday 6 December 2011


New Apprenticeships – What’s in them for Small Businesses?

by Fiona Bruce MP

High quality apprenticeships help young people out of unemployment and into work, as well as boosting the skills of the local workforce to equip the economy for success.  So why in the past have small businesses been reluctant to take them on? 

One answer may well have been an underlying perception that apprentices are an undue burden on small businesses.  But the introduction of new measures to make apprenticeships flexible and relevant to employers across the country – and most importantly for a small business – by offering help towards the costs of employing a young person could, the Government hopes, mean small businesses can think again about taking on an apprentice.

Crucially, the Government’s new provisions provide much needed financial help for the smallest firms to make it economically viable to recruit their first young apprentices.  The Government will offer employers with 50 employees or fewer up to £1,500.00 for taking on an apprentice aged between 16 and 24.  This will support up to 20,000 new apprenticeships in 2012.

The Government is also slashing the red tape which deters firms from taking on apprentices.  Processes will be simplified to make it quicker and easier for employers to take on apprentices; this will include streamlining health and safety requirements so that there are no additional demands on employers.

Through apprenticeships, small businesses have the opportunity to equip apprentices with basic skills and provide a sound investment in, not only their future and the future of the business they work in, but also, critically, the future of the country’s economy.  This will be achieved by new quality standards to ensure that every apprenticeship is directly relevant to the specific skill needs of local employers, with every apprentice receiving at least 280 hours of formal training per year.

To ensure high standards, the Government is launching a review in to the standards and quality of apprenticeships.  The review will help ensure the Government works effectively with training providers and businesses to continually raise the standards of all apprenticeships, and, most importantly, that training keeps pace with the changing needs of the industry.

There are further opportunities for support locally for a business considering taking on an Apprentice.  Plus Dane have used their work in the field of housing services to provide full apprenticeships in a range of trades and administration both with Plus Dane (35 currently) as well as supporting development of a local apprentice initiative in Congleton which has involved East Cheshire Chamber of Commerce, the Congleton Town Partnership and local schools. 

Research shows that every pound of public investment in an apprenticeship generates up to £40 for the regional economy.  Furthermore, improvements in productivity ensure employers recoup their training costs within three years; and advanced apprenticeships – leading to a degree – such as those offered by Bentley Motors at Crewe - boost an employee’s lifetime earnings by around £100,000.00!

A record 442,700 learners started an apprenticeship in the academic year 2010/22 – an increase of around 50% on the previous year.  These new measures will ensure young people and small businesses feel the full benefits of the successful expansion of apprenticeships. 

So, apprentices need not be an undue burden to businesses and in the medium to long term they can be a real boon - enabling an employer to train a young staff member with years ahead of them in the culture, practices and priorities of a firm from day one.  The mutual benefits for both apprentices and businesses can help to move the economy forward in Cheshire East; business can gain the skilled workers they need to grow and young people can take steps into rewarding employment. 

So why not take a fresh look at taking on an apprentice for your business today?

For more information visit www.apprentice.org.uk

Friday 2 December 2011

Alsager Work Club

MP supports valuable service provided by Alsager Work Club

Congleton Constituency MP Fiona Bruce has offered her backing to the Alsager Work Club.  Having visited the Work Club in Middlewich recently and seen the excellent help offered to job seekers, Fiona Bruce encourages people to support and to use the services offered by the organisation in the Alsager area.

Fiona says “I encourage all looking for a job to make use of the Work Clubs available to them. The help provided is friendly, and practical support is given in the most important areas such as CV writing, applications and training opportunities. The Alsager Club is a much needed and worthwhile local service.”

The Alsager Work Club meets every other Wednesday 2-4.30pm at 1 Grove Court, Alsager and is free of charge. For more information contact 01260 290682 or simply drop in to one of the sessions.

Wednesday 30 November 2011

St Luke's Visit Parliament

St Luke’s speak in Parliament of their pioneering work

St Luke’s (Cheshire) Hospice representatives went to Parliament last week to talk about the pioneering outreach work of St Luke’s.  Whilst it is a hospice for the care of the terminally ill with only fourteen beds, St Luke’s does a great deal more work within the community.

Rachel Zammit, Macmillan End of Life Public Health Lead and Siobhan Horton, Head of Clinical Services at St Luke’s Hospice were invited to the Palace of Westminster.  They were joined by six volunteers who work at the St Luke’s Community Outreach at Lawton Memorial Hall, Church Lawton. The St Luke’s representatives were invited by Congleton constituency MP Fiona Bruce and given the opportunity to speak about their innovative approach to death, dying to MPs and members of the House of Lords after Fiona had visited and been impressed by the work of St Luke’s and Lawton Outreach work.

They presented their ideas at the Parliamentary Group for “Dying Well”, chaired by Baroness Finlay.  The theme of the talk Rachel Zammit gave in Parliament to the group, of which Fiona is a member, was about how St Luke’s are doing pioneering work in the approach to living and dying well, treating it as a public health issue.

The approach being developed by St Luke’s is aiming to encourage us to look at dying as a natural part of the human life cycle and break down the barriers to talking about dying.

Rachel Zammit said, “We are extremely pleased to have been given the opportunity to raise the profile of the exciting approach we are developing in Cheshire. We are used to making the link between our lifestyle choices and our health in other areas, such as diet, exercise and smoking, but don’t normally think about how the way we live can also affect the way we age, grieve and die. Death is a part of life for us all, young and old alike and the approach will encompass that thinking…it is about living well and dying well”. 

Siobhan Horton said, “I was deeply impressed by the considerate attention shown to the group by Fiona Bruce.”

“In order to have a ‘good’ death it is essential that we face the issue and talk to each other, so that those who will care for us know what our wishes are which in turn reduces the stress on them and on a practical level means that what support is needed can be planned and put in place. Things like the need for help with completing paperwork or with fetching the shopping, walking the dog or someone to simply be a friend and a listening ear.  This is exactly the type of support that St Luke’s Community Outreach is now providing in the Alsager area.”

A day centre is run at Lawton Memorial Hall for two days a week where ladies (and men) give elderly people a lunch, massage, hobbies of interest etc to improve quality of life, at the end of life.

Baroness Finlay, Chair of the group, said “I was most impressed both with the presentation by St Luke’s and with the valuable outreach work which their volunteers are undertaking.  This is a key way forward for hospice work throughout the country with our increasingly elderly population.”

Tuesday 22 November 2011

Parliamentary Best Small Shops Awards

Congleton Constituency has more highly commended shops than any other in Parliamentary Best Small Shops Awards

Fiona Bruce MP attended Best Small Shop Awards Gala Reception in the House of Commons recently. There were 70 commended shops from across the 650 parliamentary constituencies in the country with no less than seven of those commended shops coming from the Congleton constituency!  The Awards, organised by the Parliamentary Small Shops Group, seek to honour those businesses that contribute to the life of their local community and go ‘beyond the call of duty’. David Amess MP, Chair of the group congratulated Fiona Bruce saying “The Congleton Constituency has the most commended businesses of any constituency in the country!  It is a real tribute to community life in the area and to the commitment of local independent retailers.”

Fiona Bruce MP said:

“This competition serves to remind shoppers of the importance and value of local shops and to ensure that we keep them in our communities.  The effort shopkeepers put into running their businesses and supporting their communities is massive and our communities would be a far lesser place without them.  It was heartening for me to hear at these Awards that even in challenging trading conditions there is now an upturn in people wanting to shop more locally for the personal and community benefit local shops offer. In just one of a number of local initiatives encouraging people to shop locally the Love Local Life Card presents shoppers with an incentive to shop locally by collaborating with local businesses to provide a local discount card. In areas like ours, particularly with a high proportion of older people, small shops provide quality conversations and individual attention that can’t be provided in bigger stores.”

Susan Blakeman of R J and J Moore Greengrocers in Congleton said “It is really nice to know that small businesses are recognised.  We try to support the Congleton community and the local charities as much as possible such as helping soldiers from the 1st Mercian Regiment.  It is important to focus of community not just business.”

David Amess MP said that “This is a night to celebrate what small shops do for their local communities and their contribution is huge.”
Alsager – Delissimo
                01270 884200

Congleton – R J & J Moore Greengrocer
                     01260 273249
                    Bread and Basil
                    01260 270511
                    Davenports of Congleton
                    01260 272218

Middlewich – Temptations of Middlewich
                      01606 832472

          Cakes by Coulson
          01606 212243

                      Chisholm’s Newsagents

Middlewich and District Concert Society

Fiona Bruce MP attends Middlewich and District Concert Society 22nd Season

The Middlewich and District Concert Society presented a piano recital by James Willshire on 19th November in the drama studio of Middlewich High School.  It was attended by Fiona Bruce MP and Middlewich Town Mayor Councillor Sonya Edwards and Consort Councillor Paul Edwards.

The concert was give by James Willshire, currently with the Royal Conservatoire of Scotland, who performs nationally and internationally.

The programme included pieces by Scarlatti, Schubert and Liszt and a well received, lively piece called Waltzes by modern composer, Ronald Stevenson.  A rare opportunity to hear this work of which, as yet, there is no recording.

This is the 22nd season of the Middlewich and District Concert Society; their next event will be on Saturday 28th January 2012 with the Pleyel Ensemble performing Prokofiev, Bach and Mendelssohn.  Tickets are available from Roger Evans, Secretary on 01606 834471 or at rogermartinevans@hotmail.com.

Award for Jodrell Bank Discovery Centre

Jodrell Bank Discovery Centre wins Small Visitor Attraction of the Year in Marketing Cheshire Awards 2011

Jodrell Bank Discovery Centre was awarded the title of Small Visitor Attraction of the Year in the Marketing Cheshire Annual Awards 2011 last Friday.

Congratulating Jodrell Bank Discovery Centre at the Awards Ceremony which was held at West Cheshire College, Ellesmere Port, Fiona Bruce MP, who recently welcomed the Duke of York to Jodrell Bank, said “If you have not visited Jodrell Bank for many years, there have been lots of changes there and the new Jodrell Bank Discovery Centre would make a great trip out for all the family.”

Dr Teresa Anderson, Director of Jodrell Bank Discovery Centre commented,

“We are absolutely thrilled to have won the ‘Small Visitor Attraction of the Year’ award. The newly refurbished Discovery Centre has only been open eight months so this is a fantastic achievement and I would like to congratulate all of our staff for their hard work. 

The University of Manchester’s Jodrell Bank Discovery Centre aims to inspire the next generation of scientists and engineers by directly engaging them with science at a major UK research facility. A visit to the Centre includes the opportunity to see the world-famous Lovell Telescope at close quarters and explore exhibitions on astronomy and the science carried out at Jodrell Bank Observatory. The Discovery Centre also has a vibrant events programme in which visitors can meet scientists, hear about the latest discoveries and enjoy science shows. The Centre has already pioneered several innovative ways of engaging new audiences, including the ‘Jodrell Bank Live’ Music Festival in July 2011, its newly planted ‘Galaxy Garden’ and a hugely popular Education programme.”

At the awards the Jodrell Bank Discovery Centre Live Music Festival 2011 was also given a Special Commendation under the category Best Tourism Event of the Year.

20th Sandbach Art Club Exhibition


20th Annual Art and Craftwork Exhibition for Sandbach Art Club

Fiona Bruce MP attended the 20th Annual art and craftwork exhibition of the Sandbach Art Club at the Masonic Hall, Sandbach.

Also attending were the Deputy Mayor George Walton and Deputy Lady Mayoress Veronica Walton of Cheshire East.

Fiona Bruce said “It was excellent once again to attend the Sandbach Art Club’s annual exhibition and to see that there were so many exhibits from such a thriving local club, that this year an additional room had to be opened to accommodate all the exhibits!”

“It was also pleasing to see how well attended the exhibition was and how many paintings were being sold, which is testament to the high standard of artwork on display.”

Elvyn Oakes, Chair of the Art Club, thanked Fiona Bruce MP for coming to the exhibition and said “it has been a successful day, a number of pictures were sold and people were impressed by the paintings and liked the layout”.

Saturday 19 November 2011

World Toilet Day


World Toilet Day was marked around the world on 19th November and Congleton MP Fiona Bruce met volunteers from charity WaterAid  at Sandbach library to discuss ways of combating the crisis in water and sanitation globally. Increasing the amount of money spent is crucial, but aid money currently spent on water, sanitation and hygiene projects could go much further if spent in a smarter, more targeted way. WaterAid wants the UK Government to throw its weight behind the Sanitation & Water for All Partnership that brings developing and donor countries together.

WaterAid volunteer Mark Barker from Sandbach said “ Nearly 900 million people globally have no clean water and a staggering 2.6 billion have no proper toilet to use – that’s a third of the world’s population. As a result, more children around the world die from diarrhoea caused by drinking polluted water and poor sanitation,  than from malaria, measles and AIDS combined. We want the UK Government to demonstrate global leadership in turning the water and sanitation crisis around.”

Fiona Bruce said “ The UK Government has a good record in giving aid for water and sanitation. This is such a vital issue as it improves health and can get millions out of the poverty trap. More needs to be done in a co-ordinated way by the donor countries and I will continue to urge International Development Secretary, Andrew Mitchell to attend the next High Level meeting of the Sanitation & Water for All Partnership in Washington next Spring to ensure the world tackles this issue.”

Friday 18 November 2011

Polling Station Consultation

Fiona Bruce MP urges constituents to check proposed changes to local polling stations

There is to be a consultation on proposed changes to polling stations in the constituency.  A table of the potential changes and information about the consultation can be found at http://www.cheshireeast.gov.uk/council_and_democracy/local_democracy/electoral_services/review_of_polling_stations.aspx. 

The changes largely intend to move people closer to their polling station and or make them more convenient for usage such as moving away from using schools which then have to close during polling day.

Fiona Bruce MP is urging all residents to view these proposals and if concerned to comment by the deadline of 4th November.  All comments should be made in writing to Electoral Services, Westfields, Middlewich Road, Sandbach, Cheshire, CW11 1HZ or they can be e-mailed to pollingstationreview@cheshireeast.gov.uk

Plus Dane Housing

Fiona Bruce MP opens 1000th Plus Dane affordable home

Congleton MP Fiona Bruce has officially opened the one thousandth affordable home built by Dane Housing in the area of the former Congleton Borough.

Speaking at the new home of Jane Davenport - one of eight new family homes built on the site of the former Elworth Court flats in Congleton, Fiona said:

“It is excellent to hear how pleased Jane is to have such a spacious and quality built home for her family and to hear from Jane about how helpful to her all the staff at Plus Dane have been.

It is a real benefit having such a caring and responsive Housing Association playing such a major role in the provision of modern, quality homes in this area – of many different types, from the award-winning Care Home in Heath View, Congleton to much needed two and three bedroomed family homes like these.”

The site of Elworth Court on which the new homes have been developed by Plus Dane and built by Seddons previously consisted of 34 bedsits for elderly people which had become outdated.

Mike Doran, Managing Director of Plus Dane said:

“As a neighbourhood investor, Plus Dane Group has been working for many years to meet a wide range of housing needs across Cheshire.

These new homes at the former Elworth Court site are just eight of over 1000 new homes that we have developed since 1998 to provide high quality, affordable homes.

We are delighted to be able to officially launch this scheme, which supports our promise to increase the supply and choice of homes across the neighbourhoods we serve.”

Tuesday 15 November 2011

Trinity Remembrance Exhibition

Fiona Bruce MP visits Remembrance Exhibition at Trinity Methodist Church, Wagg Street, Congleton

Fiona Bruce MP visited the Remembrance Exhibition at Trinity Methodist Church during Remembrance Weekend.  The exhibition was collected over eleven years by Congleton resident, Keith Hassall, who says “I was inspired to start it to boost the Remembrance Service attendance in Congleton on Remembrance Sunday.  Local people have helped me to collect photographs, uniforms, ration books, shells, shrapnel, music, household goods and items for leisure activities and I have made model planes and ships.”

Bill Minnitt of West Heath, Congleton, a member of the Royal British Legion and of the Retired Men’s Club of Trinity Methodist Church, who helped put the exhibition together said at the event “It is fantastic, it brings back memories for me as a child growing up in the war and also of my father who was in Burma in the forgotten army – I remember everyone was celebrating VE day and I thought ‘my Dad’s still there.’”

The exhibition also brought back memories for Frank Worrall, 86 and his wife Irene, 83, who met when Irene was an evacuee from Stretton, Nr Warrington, to Mow Cop.  Frank, who fought on D-Day, said “From Congleton there were 247 killed in the First World War and 107 in the Second World War so it is very important that we remember them in ways like this Remembrance Exhibition.”

Rebecca Finlay of Congleton High School said at the exhibition “It is really interesting to see how times have changed and how much more opportunity we have now in terms of things to do in our spare time – also we have a lot more variety in food. I would not have liked to have had to hoover with a Ewbank or iron with a not flat iron!”

Alison Munro, a teacher at Offley Primary School, to which Keith took the exhibition, said “The children love this exhibition because it brings the world wars to life for them – for example, they like putting on the uniforms and the helmets.”

 Congleton Councillor, Glen Williams, said “This is a very interesting exhibition which highlights the impact on Congleton during the war and demonstrates how the town has changed during that time and the huge acknowledgment of the sacrifices the service men and women made at the time and it is important we keep remembering that.”

Alsager Military Exhibition

Fiona Bruce MP supports soldiers at Alsager Military Exhibition

Fiona Bruce MP attended this year’s Alsager Military Exhibition, which for a third year was held at Alsager Library. It contained a display of military items including uniforms, weapons and items used by soldiers during many different wars and in different places around the world.

During her visit Fiona met with former servicemen, Ken Graham, who has collected the military memorabilia over many years, Bob Simpson, Graham Naylor and Alec McNee.  The four soldiers between them have given a total of 48 years service in the Falklands, Germany, Cyprus, Austria, Italy and Yugoslavia.

Fiona said “One of the aims of the exhibition is for further understanding of military service amongst young people and this has been very well achieved.”

Ken Graham said:

“We have had a successful exhibition; over 200 children have visited the exhibition in the course of the week including from local schools Cranberry, Excalibur, Highfields and Pikemere. At 11 am on 11th November they were lined up all around the library and every one of them joined in the two minutes silence and I was very impressed by how sincerely they did so and joined to say ‘We will remember them’.

At the exhibition Fiona Bruce presented Ken Graham with a 1907 military sword which had been in her family for many years saying “I’m glad it’s found a good home at last!”

Wednesday 9 November 2011

Dane Valley Project

Fiona lends a hand to the Dane Valley Project

On Saturday 5th November, Fiona Bruce MP joined volunteers involved in the Dane Valley Project.

This joint scheme between Cheshire East Council, Cranage Parish Council and Holmes Chapel Parish Council is intended to improve the area of the Dane Valley owned by Cheshire East Council and that lies between Holmes Chapel and Cranage on the banks of the River Dane.

The comprehensive project has a number of ambitious plans including:

·         Upgraded paths and steps to enable more people to use the site in all weathers

·         Additional facilities to allow access for less-abled persons with vehicular access for a limited number of cars for the less-abled. Wheelchair access to parts of the valley floor.

·         A nature reserve on the south (Holmes Chapel) side of the river with opportunities for educational and leisure use.

·         Controlled use of the large flat area on the south side for village (and other organised) events

·         Recreational and sporting facilities to the north side (Cranage Parish)

·         An intended footpath/cycle path from Cranage to Holmes Chapel via a yet to be constructed bridge providing not only safe access to all users but also a ‘Safe route to school’

·         Benches and bins

·         Structured planting and management of the flora and fauna.

Fiona assisted with the clearing of some fences and trimming trees and was joined by the 1st Holmes Chapel Scout Group and members of the Holmes Chapel Village Volunteers.

Speaking after the event, Fiona said:

‘The sheer scale of this project is what makes it so impressive. Covering several acres and including facilities for the less-abled and for all ages with interests including walkers, sporting activities and environmental enthusiasts. It is a testament to how the Holmes Chapel Village Volunteers have developed over the past few years into a visionary and highly capable group. This project is capturing the enthusiasm and energy of many other community groups such as the Holmes Chapel Scouts and Beavers – it was heart warming to see dozens of them out on a chilly November morning working hard, clearing overgrown shrubs from the proposed footpaths, hauling redundant fencing away, planting bulbs and generally having a great time together’!

Tuesday 8 November 2011

Alsager Railway Station

Fiona Bruce MP praises work of volunteers at Alsager station

Fiona Bruce MP went to lend a hand at a ‘tidy up’ day at Alsager Railway Station on Saturday where volunteers from the local community work to make the station clean, tidy and attractive for its users. The group that has been working at the station for around five years has ten members as well as unofficial volunteers and has raised money through the rail partnership and O2 It’s Your Community to create pretty and structural flower beds out of what was previously scrubland. They have also received some help from the Town Council and much has been donated from their own gardens.

Volunteer with Friends of Alsager Station Peter Smith said “It's been a real pleasure having Fiona with us.  She's shared in all manner of conversations with the Friends and also seen for herself a fair amount of passenger activity and the station's valued role in Alsager life.

We're glad too of her full support for the station and the line in any future discussions.

The platform flowerbeds reflect the ongoing endeavours of our grand bunch of friends and the kind comments of the station users are very much appreciated.”

Jonny Wiseman East Midlands Trains Route Manager said “This group is fantastic; it is something money can’t buy.  To see gardens at a station is just wonderful.”

Faye Lambert the Community Rail Officer believes that the work done at the station has discouraged acts of vandalism. “The school children designed posters for the shelters and these have been up since May and there has been no graffiti, the appearance of the station cuts down on anti-social behaviour”

She also says that “Having the volunteers is gold, we have been very lucky.  Many volunteers have stayed with us from the beginning and we have more people joining.”

Fiona Bruce MP told the volunteers “I am thoroughly impressed by the work you do and hope that this important station in Cheshire East continues to be supported.  The station looks superb and it is wonderful to see such community spirit.”

The Station has been entered into the Best Kept Station in Cheshire Competition and there are perhaps even plans for a Banksy style mural on the wall of the shelters!  If you are interested in helping out, anyone can join and it can take up as much or as little time as you want.  For more information contact Faye Lambert at faye.lambert@stoke.gov.uk

Help Points at Alsager Station

Alsager Station gets new state of the art help points for its passengers

Fiona Bruce MP visited Alsager Railway Station last Saturday to try the new solar powered ‘Help Points’ that have been installed on both platforms.  These Help Points enable rail passengers to contact network rail for up to date information about the trains passing through the station and provide an emergency contact to the British Transport Police.  They have now been installed for three weeks and were part of the East Midlands Trains station enhancement programme.

Jonny Wiseman, East Midlands Trains route manager of Sheffield, Derbyshire and Staffordshire said “at an unmanned station these are so important.”

Fiona Bruce MP had chance to use one of the Help Points and said “What a fantastic service.  These Help Points will make Alsager Station more accessible for passengers, enhancing an already valuable local service for residents.”

Alsager Arts Association

Successful exhibition for Alsager Arts Association

Fiona Bruce MP attended the Alsager Arts Association’s annual exhibition at the Alsager Community Church on Saturday.  The exhibition featured a number of paintings from local artists including watercolours, pastels, mixed media, landscapes, industrial scenes, animals and even some more abstract work. Many of the paintings were for sale and the artists were accepting commissions.

The group now has forty members and meets weekly in Alsager and will be holding its 25th anniversary next year!

Chairman Mike Frost said “Our exhibition held at Alsager Community Church was a new venue for our group.  We were very pleased with both the number of visitors and their positive response to the artwork displayed.”

Fiona Bruce MP said:

“It was a pleasure to see such a high standard of artwork at the Alsager Arts Association Annual Exhibition.  It is a credit to the Association that they will shortly be celebrating their 25th Anniversary as a community art group.”

Friday 4 November 2011

Delissimo Deli Commended

Local Deli sees success in Parliamentary Competition

Delissimo Deli of Crewe Road, Alsager was a commended finalist for its work in the community at the Parliamentary Best Small Shop Awards recently.

Fiona Bruce MP attended the Gala Reception in Parliament and received the award on behalf of proprietors Jane and Mark Holtom.

Jane Holtom of Delissimo said “We were thrilled to find out that Delissimo had been commended in the Parliamentary Best Small shops competition.  We understand that selection is partly based on what businesses do to help the community. We source much of our products for the shop from local producers and that led to us organising Alsager’s monthly Farmers’ Market to encourage locals and visitors to shop in our town. 

We are really fortunate in Alsager that we have such a wide range of independent businesses supported by an active Chamber of Trade, leading initiatives such as the new Love Local Life rewards scheme, a Christmas shop window competition, shoppers’ guides and walking maps, all designed to promote our lovely, lively small town.

We would have loved to go to the Houses of Parliament to receive our certificate ourselves but we were unable. However, we were so pleased that Fiona Bruce took the time to accept it on our behalf.  Hopefully, we’ll be there ourselves next time!”

Fiona congratulated Delissimo saying:

“I am thrilled to see Delissimo’s valuable community contributions being recognised. Jane and Mark Holtom of Delissimo run an attractive shop selling quality, often locally sourced produce, and at the same time work very hard in the Alsager Community participating in Alsager Chamber of Trade, Britain in Bloom and organising the monthly Alsager Farmer’s Market.  They help to attract trade to Alsager and value their existing customers, buying in specific goods and looking after elderly customers.  They are a fine example of a community shop and I am proud to have them in my constituency.”

Fiona went on to say on the Small Shops Competition:

“This competition serves to remind shoppers of the importance and value of local shops and to ensure that we keep them in our communities.  The effort shopkeepers put into running their businesses and supporting their communities is massive and our communities would be a far lesser place without them.  It was heartening for me to hear at these awards that even in challenging trading conditions there is now an upturn in people shopping more locally for the personal and community benefit local shops offer. “

Fiona continued

“In just one of a number of local initiatives encouraging people to shop locally the Love Local Life card presents shoppers with an incentive to shop locally by collaborating with businesses to provide discounts when we shop locally.  In areas like ours, particularly with a high proportion of older people, small shops provide quality conversations and individual attention that can’t be provided in bigger stores.”

David Amess MP, Chair of the Parliamentary Small Shops Group of which Fiona Bruce is a member, said at the event that “This is a night to celebrate what small shops do for their local communities and their contribution is huge.”