Tuesday 22 November 2011

Middlewich and District Concert Society

Fiona Bruce MP attends Middlewich and District Concert Society 22nd Season

The Middlewich and District Concert Society presented a piano recital by James Willshire on 19th November in the drama studio of Middlewich High School.  It was attended by Fiona Bruce MP and Middlewich Town Mayor Councillor Sonya Edwards and Consort Councillor Paul Edwards.

The concert was give by James Willshire, currently with the Royal Conservatoire of Scotland, who performs nationally and internationally.

The programme included pieces by Scarlatti, Schubert and Liszt and a well received, lively piece called Waltzes by modern composer, Ronald Stevenson.  A rare opportunity to hear this work of which, as yet, there is no recording.

This is the 22nd season of the Middlewich and District Concert Society; their next event will be on Saturday 28th January 2012 with the Pleyel Ensemble performing Prokofiev, Bach and Mendelssohn.  Tickets are available from Roger Evans, Secretary on 01606 834471 or at rogermartinevans@hotmail.com.