Friday 4 November 2011

Delissimo Deli Commended

Local Deli sees success in Parliamentary Competition

Delissimo Deli of Crewe Road, Alsager was a commended finalist for its work in the community at the Parliamentary Best Small Shop Awards recently.

Fiona Bruce MP attended the Gala Reception in Parliament and received the award on behalf of proprietors Jane and Mark Holtom.

Jane Holtom of Delissimo said “We were thrilled to find out that Delissimo had been commended in the Parliamentary Best Small shops competition.  We understand that selection is partly based on what businesses do to help the community. We source much of our products for the shop from local producers and that led to us organising Alsager’s monthly Farmers’ Market to encourage locals and visitors to shop in our town. 

We are really fortunate in Alsager that we have such a wide range of independent businesses supported by an active Chamber of Trade, leading initiatives such as the new Love Local Life rewards scheme, a Christmas shop window competition, shoppers’ guides and walking maps, all designed to promote our lovely, lively small town.

We would have loved to go to the Houses of Parliament to receive our certificate ourselves but we were unable. However, we were so pleased that Fiona Bruce took the time to accept it on our behalf.  Hopefully, we’ll be there ourselves next time!”

Fiona congratulated Delissimo saying:

“I am thrilled to see Delissimo’s valuable community contributions being recognised. Jane and Mark Holtom of Delissimo run an attractive shop selling quality, often locally sourced produce, and at the same time work very hard in the Alsager Community participating in Alsager Chamber of Trade, Britain in Bloom and organising the monthly Alsager Farmer’s Market.  They help to attract trade to Alsager and value their existing customers, buying in specific goods and looking after elderly customers.  They are a fine example of a community shop and I am proud to have them in my constituency.”

Fiona went on to say on the Small Shops Competition:

“This competition serves to remind shoppers of the importance and value of local shops and to ensure that we keep them in our communities.  The effort shopkeepers put into running their businesses and supporting their communities is massive and our communities would be a far lesser place without them.  It was heartening for me to hear at these awards that even in challenging trading conditions there is now an upturn in people shopping more locally for the personal and community benefit local shops offer. “

Fiona continued

“In just one of a number of local initiatives encouraging people to shop locally the Love Local Life card presents shoppers with an incentive to shop locally by collaborating with businesses to provide discounts when we shop locally.  In areas like ours, particularly with a high proportion of older people, small shops provide quality conversations and individual attention that can’t be provided in bigger stores.”

David Amess MP, Chair of the Parliamentary Small Shops Group of which Fiona Bruce is a member, said at the event that “This is a night to celebrate what small shops do for their local communities and their contribution is huge.”