Monday 12 December 2011

Children's Society

Children’s Society Speaker in Middlewich

Aelison Wilson spoke at St Michael and All Angels Church in Middlewich of the different ways in which volunteers undertake work for the Children’s Society.
Aelison, who lives in Frodsham, and who’s work for the Children’s Society covers a wide range of the North West region said:
“Some of our volunteers go into schools to take a small group of children or simply to listen to them, to help improve behaviour because so many children spend so much time put in front of a television.”
She also told of the work the Children’s Society in supporting those who run away from home, this being the current, major project of the Children’s Society – a growing need when 100,000 children run away from home each year in our country.
The Children’s Society does not run any homes of its own but volunteers go into homes to help handicapped children in care – for example to take handicapped children out every Saturday.  Another area of their work, which is based in Northwich, is to help children who are “on the edge of the law” – The Children’s Society tries to get alongside them and so keep them out of trouble.
In closing Aelison said “We interviewed thousands of children to ask them what makes a good childhood, as our country is the worst in the developed European sector for growing up as a child for many reasons.  Interestingly, the main factor which children cited as making a good childhood was to give them time.”
Fiona Bruce MP, who attended the talk, said “The work of The Children’s Society is especially valuable at this time of year and at a time when politicians from different parties are saying that the biggest threat to our society is not economic, but the disintegration of the family life, the Children’s Society is playing a vital role in supporting vulnerable children and families.”