Tuesday 13 December 2011

Institute of Advanced Motorists

Fiona Bruce MP represents Congleton Branch of Institute of Advanced Motorists at national meeting at RAC Club

Fiona Bruce MP attended the Institute of Advanced Motorists (IAM) Annual Lunch at the RAC Club in London last week to represent the Congleton Branch, of which she is Patron.

Fiona said:
“I am very pleased to have been invited to this important occasion and to be able to represent the Congleton Branch of the Institute of Advanced Motorists as their Patron. 
This is the second event this week I have attended in this capacity, the other being a presentation in Parliament by Cheshire Fire and Rescue Service on their ThinkDriveSurvive scheme for 17 to 25 year olds. 
Under this scheme Fire Officers are going into schools across Cheshire and reaching thousands of young people with safer driving messages, such as not being distracted by passengers, switching off mobile phones, not drinking any alcohol at all before driving and in this dark weather checking your lights are working every day.
 This time of year, these messages are particularly important for everyone – and especially young people since they are four times more likely to crash and newly qualified drivers are estimated to be 33% more likely to crash than learners.  Road crashes are the biggest killer of young people in the UK.  I commend Cheshire Fire and Rescue Service for this initiative.  ThinkDriveSurvive is playing a vital part in preventing death and serious injury on the roads. It is excellent to see Cheshire Fire and Rescue Service taking the national lead on this important issue.”
At the National meeting of the IAM, Mike Penning MP and Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Transport also spoke of the need for changes to driver education suggesting all tests for road vehicles should be ‘fit for purpose” and that there is a need to target drivers aged 17-25 who were not around for the first wave of anti drink driving campaigning saying “we need to get the message through - It is a privilege to...talk to experts who are so passionate about improving road safety.”
The IAM is the UK’s leading road safety charity and is dedicated to increasing skills for all road users, raising driving and riding standards and helping to save lives on the road.
John Twigg, Chairman of Congleton Advanced Motorists said:
“We are delighted to have Fiona Bruce MP as President of the Group and her active support for our work to reduce the tragic loss of life on local roads. All of the evidence shows that raising the standard of driving is the cheapest and most effective way of improving road safety.”