Wednesday 25 May 2016

Guide Dogs for the Blind Event in Parliament

Fiona Bruce MP attended major Guide Dogs event in Parliament

Fiona Bruce MP today attended a major gathering in Parliament in support of the Guide Dogs campaign “Access All Areas”. The campaign asserts that guide dog owners still experience discrimination with 74% of respondents to a survey carried out by the charity saying that they had been refused access somewhere because they had their guide dog with them.

Fiona Bruce saidThis was the biggest campaign event I have attended in Parliament with Guide Dog owners and their dogs from all over the country and hundreds of supporters. I strongly support the Access All Areas campaign since I spent time walking around the town centre of Congleton, blindfolded, being led by a trained Guide Dog. This demonstrated to me what an indispensable support these dogs are and how important it is, therefore, that they are allowed into every facility their owners need to go.”