Monday 9 May 2016

Fiona Bruce meets with PM about employment land in Congleton

Fiona Bruce MP meets with Prime Minister

Member of Parliament for Congleton, Fiona Bruce MP, has met with Prime Minister, David Cameron MP, to raise concerns raised with her by business people in Congleton about the lack of employment land in and around Congleton.

Fiona Bruce saidCongleton is a town with many thriving businesses which want to expand. However, the economic growth of Congleton will be restricted unless land is released to facilitate this expansion. Leading businesses in Congleton met with me to highlight their concerns that the economic growth of Congleton is being restricted by the shortage of employment land, with current sites either having restricted access or being landlocked. This provides limited opportunity for existing business growth or inward investment.

Local businesses inform me that hundreds of potential jobs are currently at risk and more could be jeopardised in future years. If sufficient land cannot be secured for local business expansion they will be lost not only to the area but also, to the country. I was sufficiently concerned about this both for current and future generations in Congleton to seek a meeting with the Prime Minister to highlight this issue.”

Fiona Bruce added

“Cheshire East Council Officers have had helpful meetings with myself and local business people to discuss this issue and I am pleased that the Council has recognised this problem and is doing what it can to address it, for example, by allocating more land for potential employment purposes in the draft Local Plan. However, more still needs to be done including at national level to ensure that land designated in this way can ultimately be brought forward for business use, and to ensure that there is not a disproportionate amount of land allocated and developed for housing.”

She continued

“I pointed out to the Prime Minister that one of the key reasons for National Government having agreed to allocate £46m towards the development of the Congleton Link Road was to open up employment opportunities for people in my constituency – this being one of the key reasons I argued for this funding in the House of Commons during the last Parliament. I informed the Prime Minister that it is critical that this objective is not defeated by a lack of land being brought forward for employment purposes.”