Saturday 17 October 2015

Progress on Improvements for Middlewich

Fiona Bruce MP and Middlewich First secure progress on improvements for Middlewich

After almost a year of pressing Cheshire East Council to invest in a wide range of major improvements for Middlewich, confirmation has been obtained by Fiona Bruce of progress on work on town centre projects.

In a letter sent this week to the MP by Cheshire East Council, the authority has now responded as attached.

Fiona Bruce said today:

“As Member of Parliament for Middlewich I am pleased that after almost a year of continuously pressing Cheshire East Council to fairly support the facilities which Middlewich people deserve, Middlewich First Councillors and I can now announce clear progress on a very wide range of projects for the benefit of the town.

There is a way to go yet before residents will see the results of the extreme hard work we have put in over the past year, fighting for these improvements, but residents can now see that constructive steps are being taken to deliver for Middlewich safer roads, better facilities for locals and visitors, promotion of the town as a boating centre of Cheshire with real resources behind this and the release of hundreds of thousands of pounds held by Cheshire East Council to be used for improving areas, town centre regeneration and other new facilities.

Getting this far has not come without tough words to Cheshire East Council; and I have no doubt that if we had not seriously challenged them to deliver on these projects, progress this far would not have been made. I will not take my feet off the pedals until these improvements have actually been delivered for Middlewich.  In particular I call on Cheshire East to release the £700,521 they hold for Middlewich without further delay – there are areas in town which urgently need updating. I also challenge Cheshire East to progress works on pedestrian crossing improvements as a matter of urgency, something which must be prioritised for safety reasons.

I pay credit to Middlewich First Councillors Simon McGrory, Mike Parsons and Bernice Walmsley for the effective way they work with me, cross party, in the interests of local people, setting party political differences aside – this is what residents want and how we can deliver for them.”

Cllr Simon McGrory speaking on behalf of Middlewich First said:
“I know Fiona works hard for Middlewich and gives us more than her fair share of time and support. Working together is the best way we can achieve results. We have spent a lot of time working through plans and ideas, and I am confident we will get the results that will benefit Middlewich and our residents.”
Cllr Bernice Walmsley of Middlewich First also said:

‘After many months of meetings and discussions it is good to see some support for Middlewich from Cheshire East Council start to appear in the form of contributions to our FAB Festival, marketing and the like. However, we have yet to see tangible support on the bigger projects we have discussed but I am very optimistic that the needs of Middlewich will no longer be ignored. The ‘proof of the pudding will be in the eating’ as they say, so I look forward to seeing some real results.’