Wednesday 14 October 2015

Fiona Bruce MP visits 2nd Middlewich Scout Group

Fiona Bruce MP visits 2nd Middlewich Scout Group

Fiona Bruce MP paid a visit to Middlewich Cubs and Scouts groups on Friday to talk to them about life in Parliament.

During her time with the Cubs and Scout she told them about voting through the Parliamentary Lobbies and the Cubs and Scouts held a debate on a subject of their choice – whether gun laws should be tightened up in this county. Afterwards, the Cubs and Scouts voted through “lobbies”, and the proposal to tighten up gun laws was passed!

Fiona saidIt was a pleasure to meet again with the Middlewich Cubs and Scouts groups. I was truly impressed with the interest they showed in the life of a member of Parliament and equally so with the seriousness with which they debated such a weighty matter, and the wide range of questions they asked me on a number of important local and national issues. These young people have a great deal to offer the community and I wish them all every success.”