Friday 23 October 2015

Fiona Bruce MP nominates local Middlewich business for prestigious award

Fiona Bruce MP nominates local Middlewich business for prestigious award

Local Middlewich butcher shop run by Aiden Devaney has been nominated by Fiona Bruce MP for the 11th annual Countryside Alliance Butcher Award.

The Countryside Alliance Awards, nicknamed the Rural Oscars, were borne of a need to support and promote rural communities. The Awards recognise and honour those who routinely go the extra mile to ensure rural Britain’s food and farming industry, small businesses, traditional skills, forward-thinking enterprise and, most of all, its people, can flourish.

Nominations are open to the public and are open until 2nd November, with judging then taking place and a grand final held at Parliament in Westminster in Spring 2016. The categories for the Awards are Local Food and Drink, Tourism, Village Shop/ Post Office and Butcher.

Fiona Bruce MP said:

“These awards are an excellent way to promote the local businessmen and women who are working hard to keep rural Britain thriving. Our local produce is second to none and there are many community heroes and businesses worthy of national recognition. Anyone is able to nominate any local business within the Award categories and hope the community get involved.

I have known Aiden for many years and understand his business is like a child to him as he developed the business at the age of 21 from nothing which is a great accomplishment for any business person. The quality of his meat is excellent – as are his Christmas turkeys! The business has been running for nearly 25 years and is a fundamental part of the Middlewich community. Aiden is a remarkable role model for any young entrepreneur and has contributed to the community through the Artisan Market, helped at town events and visited schools to talk about his profession. Let us see if we can bring a British title home to Middlewich!”

Anyone wishing to nominate a local business can do so through the Countryside Alliance website or via post to:

Countryside Alliance
The Rural Oscars
1 Spring Mews
Tinworth Street
SE11 5EH