Tuesday 27 October 2015

Keep Me Posted

Fiona Bruce MP supports ‘Keep Me Posted’ campaign in Parliament

The campaign ‘Keep Me Posted’ is in support of consumers rights to choose paper bills or statements without charges or penalties, without removing paper or altering frequency unless prior agreement, without taking away continued access to online.

Banks and other service providers are increasingly restricting access to paper bills and statements with little or no consultation. Customers are often charged a fee for the privilege of a paper statement.

The campaign is a partnership of more than 80 leading charities, consumer organisations, trades unions and businesses working to ensure that all service providers offer the consumer the choice of how they receive information whether it be post or digital. 81% of adults want to have the choice whether to receive their information digitally or post, 84% of UK adults do not like it when companies take away their right to choose how they are communicated with.

The UK already lags behind other countries such as Spain, France, Germany and Finland, where the right for consumers to receive free paper bills and statements is enshrined in law.
Fiona Bruce has supported this campaign since its inception, and attended a recent session at Parliament to sign a petition, supporting the campaign movement to call on service providers to give customers the choice of free regular paper bills and statements and to sign the six point pledge.

Judith Donovan CBE, who chairs Keep Me Posted, said:
“I am grateful to Fiona Bruce MP for giving us the time to support the campaign today, and for fighting for the right of her constituents to have the choice of a paper bill or statement.”

Fiona Bruce MP said:

“I am continuously supportive of ensuring residents receive information in the form which is preferable to them without any such penalties from service providers. Currently, 16 million consumers aged fifteen and over do not have online access. The Office for National Statistics estimates 5.2 households in the UK do not have internet access and are reliant on their bills coming through post. These residents should not be penalised for issues beyond their control and should have the option of how they receive their information without any additional charges. Additionally, without paper statements people are more likely to miss payments and unable to manage or track their finances.

Technology is become more prevalent, but we must ensure we accommodate everyone whether they have access to a computer or not. For those who feel they prefer to rely on posted information we should accommodate them, not penalise them.”

You can sign up to the Keep Me Posted campaign yourself by calling 020 7566 9773, writing to Keep Me Posted, 24a St John’s Street, London, EC4P 4DZ or sharing your stories, preferences and experiences at www.keepmeposted.uk.com.  

Friday 23 October 2015

Fiona Bruce MP nominates local Middlewich business for prestigious award

Fiona Bruce MP nominates local Middlewich business for prestigious award

Local Middlewich butcher shop run by Aiden Devaney has been nominated by Fiona Bruce MP for the 11th annual Countryside Alliance Butcher Award.

The Countryside Alliance Awards, nicknamed the Rural Oscars, were borne of a need to support and promote rural communities. The Awards recognise and honour those who routinely go the extra mile to ensure rural Britain’s food and farming industry, small businesses, traditional skills, forward-thinking enterprise and, most of all, its people, can flourish.

Nominations are open to the public and are open until 2nd November, with judging then taking place and a grand final held at Parliament in Westminster in Spring 2016. The categories for the Awards are Local Food and Drink, Tourism, Village Shop/ Post Office and Butcher.

Fiona Bruce MP said:

“These awards are an excellent way to promote the local businessmen and women who are working hard to keep rural Britain thriving. Our local produce is second to none and there are many community heroes and businesses worthy of national recognition. Anyone is able to nominate any local business within the Award categories and hope the community get involved.

I have known Aiden for many years and understand his business is like a child to him as he developed the business at the age of 21 from nothing which is a great accomplishment for any business person. The quality of his meat is excellent – as are his Christmas turkeys! The business has been running for nearly 25 years and is a fundamental part of the Middlewich community. Aiden is a remarkable role model for any young entrepreneur and has contributed to the community through the Artisan Market, helped at town events and visited schools to talk about his profession. Let us see if we can bring a British title home to Middlewich!”

Anyone wishing to nominate a local business can do so through the Countryside Alliance website or via post to:

Countryside Alliance
The Rural Oscars
1 Spring Mews
Tinworth Street
SE11 5EH

Thursday 22 October 2015

Human Rights in China


Fiona Bruce MP, Chair of the Conservative Party Human Rights Commission, has today tabled the following Urgent Question to the Government in the House of Commons, which has been accepted by the Speaker: To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs if he will make a statement on China, following reports that human rights lawyer Zhang Kai imminently faces a severe prison sentence or the death penalty, for defending civil liberties.

Fiona Bruce MP will tell the House that ‘Zhang Kai’s case is significance not only in itself, but because he is one of almost 300 lawyers and human rights defenders detained since 10 July’ in China. Whilst many have been released, at least 20 are still in custody or have ‘disappeared’, their whereabouts unknown.

In light of the visit of Chinese President Xi Jinping, Fiona Bruce will also challenge the Government that ‘Given the announcement yesterday of billions of pounds of investment from China in the UK, and British trade and investment in China, is it not vital that we ensure that human rights and the rule of law are promoted and protected in China? Not only is this important for the people of China, and therefore a moral imperative, but it is also surely in our own national interest.’

Fiona Bruce MP will say that she recognises the significance of the business relationship and dialogue with China, but hopes that human rights and the rule of law will be at the centre of this relationship. She will also invite other Member to raise further concerns on China’s human rights record.

The Urgent Question is expected to be called by the Speaker at 10:30

Wednesday 21 October 2015

Alsager One World 2015

Fiona Bruce MP visits Alsager High School for Alsager Ladies Circle One World Event

Fiona Bruce, Member of Parliament for Congleton once again praised Alsager annual One World Festival organised by Alsager Ladies Circle at Alsager High School for contributing to resident’s awareness of other cultures.

October 10th saw hundreds of people come together to celebrate the rich diversity of culture within the community.

The festival aims to build upon relationships and increase awareness of different countries’ customs with use of unique dishes, costumes and artefacts. Organised by Alsager Ladies Circle and local residents, the festival involves displays of food, clothes and produce by residents who originate from or have links with other countries and cultures. The annual festival invites the community to a unique experience involving a variety of workshops, performances and craft activities for all ages.

The event was attended by Fiona Bruce MP, Cheshire East Council Mayor Hilda Gaddum and Councillor Simon Bishop, chair of Alsager Town Council.

Fiona Bruce MP said she was once again amazed by the work put into the event.

“I always enjoy attending the Alsager One World Festival which goes from strength to strength every year. It is an excellent way to showcase that despite the difference in cultures and traditions we are, in fact, one world.

“I visited all the stalls and enjoyed the variety of dishes, speaking to people about their culture and what impressed me most was how the community comes together and gets involved, learning about other cultures.”

“One of the reasons why I enjoy being an MP is attending community events such as this and seeing the community coming together. It’s been a privilege to attend the One World Festival over several years.”

Saturday 17 October 2015

Progress on Improvements for Middlewich

Fiona Bruce MP and Middlewich First secure progress on improvements for Middlewich

After almost a year of pressing Cheshire East Council to invest in a wide range of major improvements for Middlewich, confirmation has been obtained by Fiona Bruce of progress on work on town centre projects.

In a letter sent this week to the MP by Cheshire East Council, the authority has now responded as attached.

Fiona Bruce said today:

“As Member of Parliament for Middlewich I am pleased that after almost a year of continuously pressing Cheshire East Council to fairly support the facilities which Middlewich people deserve, Middlewich First Councillors and I can now announce clear progress on a very wide range of projects for the benefit of the town.

There is a way to go yet before residents will see the results of the extreme hard work we have put in over the past year, fighting for these improvements, but residents can now see that constructive steps are being taken to deliver for Middlewich safer roads, better facilities for locals and visitors, promotion of the town as a boating centre of Cheshire with real resources behind this and the release of hundreds of thousands of pounds held by Cheshire East Council to be used for improving areas, town centre regeneration and other new facilities.

Getting this far has not come without tough words to Cheshire East Council; and I have no doubt that if we had not seriously challenged them to deliver on these projects, progress this far would not have been made. I will not take my feet off the pedals until these improvements have actually been delivered for Middlewich.  In particular I call on Cheshire East to release the £700,521 they hold for Middlewich without further delay – there are areas in town which urgently need updating. I also challenge Cheshire East to progress works on pedestrian crossing improvements as a matter of urgency, something which must be prioritised for safety reasons.

I pay credit to Middlewich First Councillors Simon McGrory, Mike Parsons and Bernice Walmsley for the effective way they work with me, cross party, in the interests of local people, setting party political differences aside – this is what residents want and how we can deliver for them.”

Cllr Simon McGrory speaking on behalf of Middlewich First said:
“I know Fiona works hard for Middlewich and gives us more than her fair share of time and support. Working together is the best way we can achieve results. We have spent a lot of time working through plans and ideas, and I am confident we will get the results that will benefit Middlewich and our residents.”
Cllr Bernice Walmsley of Middlewich First also said:

‘After many months of meetings and discussions it is good to see some support for Middlewich from Cheshire East Council start to appear in the form of contributions to our FAB Festival, marketing and the like. However, we have yet to see tangible support on the bigger projects we have discussed but I am very optimistic that the needs of Middlewich will no longer be ignored. The ‘proof of the pudding will be in the eating’ as they say, so I look forward to seeing some real results.’

Friday 16 October 2015

Cheshire Campaign to Recycle Food Waste

Fiona Bruce MP supports campaign to recycle food waste.

Congleton Member of Parliament Fiona Bruce met with Cheshire Waste Reduction Ambassadors to help promote the recycling of left over food.

The Waste Reduction Volunteer Programme is a partnership programme from Cheshire East Council and Cheshire West and Chester Council with Waste Watch. The programme has been created to reach out to the local community and inspire the public to change their thinking about food waste.

National statistics show that the UK wastes large amounts of food, such as 300,000 tonnes of poultry, 770,000 tonnes of potatoes, 660,000 tonnes of bread all within a space of a year. Within the EU an estimated 89 million tonnes of food is wasted. Half of food waste is produced through households and 1.3% by supermarket chains. Since 2007 the UK has reduced its avoidable household food waste by 21% however the average UK household still throws away the equivalent of 6 meals a week.

Fiona Bruce met with Waste Reduction Ambassadors Pauline Southwell and Nicola McAra who demonstrated how left over food can be used to create nutritious meals, save money and make the most of what is left in your cupboard. More information can be found at www.lovefoodhatewaste.com/cheshire.

Fiona Bruce MP said:
“This is a great local project with some really practical ideas to make nutritious meals out of food that we otherwise not use. I commend the volunteers involved. Anyone interested in getting involved is welcome to apply to become a Waste Reduction Ambassador to help promote food waste reduction locally and I encourage people to do so.
Nationally this is an objective that Government is working on together with WRAP, food retailers and industry. I am pleased to see local residents taking a lead through this initiative to help reduce the 15 million tonnes a year of food a year we throw away in the UK, worth £400 per house hold. So as well as being good for the environment this also helps save money, a real win-win.”

If you would like to get involved with the Waste Reduction Volunteer Programme and make a difference to your local environment please contact wastereductionvolunteers@keepbritaintidy.org or apply online at http://form.cheshireeast.gov.uk/service/Cheshire_East_recycling_waste_reduction_volunteer_form

Wednesday 14 October 2015

Fiona Bruce MP visits 2nd Middlewich Scout Group

Fiona Bruce MP visits 2nd Middlewich Scout Group

Fiona Bruce MP paid a visit to Middlewich Cubs and Scouts groups on Friday to talk to them about life in Parliament.

During her time with the Cubs and Scout she told them about voting through the Parliamentary Lobbies and the Cubs and Scouts held a debate on a subject of their choice – whether gun laws should be tightened up in this county. Afterwards, the Cubs and Scouts voted through “lobbies”, and the proposal to tighten up gun laws was passed!

Fiona saidIt was a pleasure to meet again with the Middlewich Cubs and Scouts groups. I was truly impressed with the interest they showed in the life of a member of Parliament and equally so with the seriousness with which they debated such a weighty matter, and the wide range of questions they asked me on a number of important local and national issues. These young people have a great deal to offer the community and I wish them all every success.”

Tuesday 13 October 2015

New Enterprise Allowance

Fiona Bruce MP:  New Enterprise Allowance helping people in the Congleton Constituency start their own business

Fiona Bruce MP has welcomed new figures showing that 130 people in the Congleton Constituency have been helped off benefits and supported to start their own business thanks to the Government’s New Enterprise Allowance scheme.

The allowance – which supports people on out of work benefits to start their own business – has helped more than 73,000 people across the country set up businesses since it was introduced in April 2011.

The support available to people starts with help from a business mentor to develop their business idea. Then, once they have got the business up and running, and have moved off benefits, they are eligible for 26 weeks of financial support as they get their business going.

Fiona Bruce MP said:
“It’s great news that 130 people in the Congleton Constituency have been helped to get off benefits and realise their dream of starting their own business and being their own boss. Small businesses are a hugely important part of our community and vital to local jobs.
“Supporting small businesses is an important part of our commitment to backing working people. We want everyone in all parts of the country to benefit from the opportunities being created by our growing economy. We are supporting people, regardless of their background or where they are from, who want to work hard and get on. There’s more to do, but these figures show that our support is giving thousands of people the promise of a brighter future. Each new job these businesses secure in this constituency represents another family with the security and dignity of regular work and a regular pay packet.”


·         The New Enterprise Allowance (NEA) helps people on out of work benefits start their own business. The scheme, launched in April 2011, aims to help unemployed people claiming out of work benefits who wish to start up their own business. Participants in the NEA work with a business mentor to develop their business idea. Once they have started trading and left benefits, they receive a weekly allowance worth a total of £1,274 over 26 weeks to help them get their business going (DWP, New Enterprise Allowance: April 2011 to June 2015, 23 September 2015, link).

·         More than 73,000 people have started a business under the scheme since it was introduced. Over the past year nearly 1,500 businesses a month have been started by people moving off benefits and becoming their own boss

o   17,140 businesses started by people aged 50 and over
o   5,440 businesses started by people under 25
o   14,530 businesses started by people with a disability

(DWP, New Enterprise Allowance: April 2011 to June 2015, 23 September 2015, link).

·         Businesses have created almost 2.5 million new jobs since Labour were in power. The private sector has created over five jobs for every one job lost in the public sector since 2010 (ONS, MFZ2, 16 September 2015, link).

·         And 703,100 fewer people are claiming Jobseekers’ Allowance and Universal Credit-not in work (ONS, Regional Labour Market, 16 September 2015, link; nomis, accessed 16 September 2015, link; DWP, Universal Credit: 29 Apr 2013 to 3 September 2015, 16 September 2015, link).


·         On 23 September 2015 DWP released constituency statistics for the New Enterprise Allowance. Figures are rounded to the nearest 10 (DWP, New Enterprise Allowance: April 2011 to June 2015, 23 September 2015, link).

Mentor starts since April 2011
Business starts since April 2011

Thursday 1 October 2015

Fiona Bruce MP congratulates Albert Hart as he receives the highest award in the Scouting movement

Fiona Bruce MP congratulates Albert Hart as he receives the highest award in the Scouting movement

Fiona Bruce MP attended the 1st Alsager Scout Group’s AGM and Family Fun Afternoon at the Frayling Scout Hall in Alsager recently and too the opportunity to congratulate 1st Alsager Scout Group Chairman, Albert Hart, on being awarded the highest accolade in Scouting, The Silver Wolf, after 40 years of service to the Scouting Movement.
The Silver Wolf award is given for ‘services of the most exceptional character’ and is granted only by the Chief Scout.

Fiona Bruce MP said “It was a genuine pleasure to attend this event and in particular to congratulate Albert and his family on such a special occasion. I offer him my sincere congratulations which are more than well-deserved after so many years of service. What a positive difference he will have made in the lives of so many young people.”