Monday 16 February 2015

Fiona Bruce MP congratulates Friends of Goostrey Station on Award

Fiona Bruce MP congratulates Friends of Goostrey Station on Award

Fiona Bruce MP has congratulated the Friends of Goostrey Station group on their sterling work at Goostrey Station after it was named Cheshire’s ‘Most Improved Station of 2014’ in the Cheshire Best Kept Station awards.

The group has been working to make the station more attractive and functional with a water supply due to be installed soon and is now hoping to restore the Victorian ticket office, one of the only ones remaining in the country, to its former glory with potential that businesses would be able to use a restored building bringing greater foot traffic to the station.

Fiona Bruce MP saidThis is a well-deserved award. Friends of Goostrey Station as a volunteer group have made tremendous strides in improving the appearance of the station and its grounds, however, much more can be done with the connection of the water supply and the Friends Group and I are jointly pressing Northern and Network Rail to support this as quickly as possible.”

Cyril Caulkin, Chairman of Goostrey Friendship Group, “We are really pleased with this award which couldn’t have been achieved without the dedicated team of volunteers who have been reenergised by this success.”