Friday 27 February 2015

Call for a Minister for Older People

Fiona Bruce MP backs calls for a Minister for Older People

Congleton MP Fiona Bruce has pledged her support for a Minister for Older People.
New research undertaken by Anchor Housing Association and YouGov shows that of the over 55 year olds 84% believe that there should be a Minister at Cabinet level with responsibility for older people. 

Congleton MP Fiona Bruce said:
“35% of my constituency are older voters so I hear first-hand about the problems they face. That is why I’m supporting this call for a Minister for Older People. It’s really important that we can recognise and respond to the needs of older people, particularly as we are facing an increasingly ageing population.

“A Minister for Older People would be able to focus the Government’s attention on planning a better response to our ageing society, representing the views and needs of older people such as social isolation, suitable housing and social care support or their treatment and care whilst in hospital. There are some excellent charitable organisations in this area providing support for older people who deserve all the help they can get – in addition to local and national Government action.”