Friday 20 February 2015

21st Century Technology & Camera Group - Middlewich

21st Century Technology & Camera Group

The February group meeting of this new and exciting Cheshire, Middlewich based, community group was again very well attended, with members, guests and dignitaries from all over Cheshire.

Mr Owen Lloyd, of Owen Lloyd Photography presentation this month was a back to basics offering of digital photography for the group attendees, with many now taking notes to ensure nothing was missed or overlooked.

With nearly 30 members and guests, including the Mayor of Middlewich, Mr Paul Edwards and his wife Sonya as his Consort for the evening, were joined by our MP for Congleton Mrs Fiona Bruce, and the Middlewich Town Crier, Mr Devlin Dobson for a very entertaining and informative presentation.

The group now has some 120 plus members which is something quite extraordinary for a group that was only created in March 2014. Covering not just digital photography, but a whole raft of technical subjects surrounding the use of the digital camera.

Using funds successfully provided by Grants from Middlewich Town Council and Cheshire East the group plans to expand its activities, using a recently purchased Laptop to helping train members to take even better photos, and also to improve the ones already taken, using post photography processing software.

INTERESTED ? The Group has a FACEBOOK page where you can sign on to be a member, and by using the group web page can see what we have recently done, and read more as to where the group are heading in the future. Current members are aged from 14 to 80 plus, so there is room for all members of our Cheshire community.

Cliff Astles
Group Chairman & Organiser

February 19th 2015.