Tuesday 25 February 2014

Penrith Dairy Farmer speaks to Local Farmers and Residents

Penrith Dairy Farmer and MEP Candidate speaks to Local Farmers and Residents

Kevin Beaty, a dairy Farmer from Penrith, who is a Conservative Candidate for the North West MEP elections in May,  came to speak to the Congleton Constituency Conservative Association and local Farmers at a supper  at Sandhole Farm Oak Barn last week, arranged by Fiona Bruce MP. 
He spoke of his travels around the world studying milk production and took questions. Topics discussed included the importance of not building on flood plains, the need for Governments at both National and European levels to continue to support our farmers in the fight to combat bovine  TB and the need for reform of the Common Agricultural Policy which continues to be unduly weighted in favour of other countries such as France.
After speaking at the event Kevin drove straight back to Penrith to milk his 300 Jersey cows!