Monday 3 February 2014

Fiona Bruce supports sports provision in Alsager

“One of the key provisions which people in Alsager want is the re-opening of the Sports facilities at the former MMU site.
I have and will continue to press Cheshire East Council to ensure that provision is made for both wet and dry weather facilities and includes the Sports Hall, Drama Hall and Gym as well as existing and new all weather pitches. There are a huge number of sports groups in Alsager, as well as an active U3A. Meeting many of them has impressed me as to how much they contribute to Alsager community life and these facilities will enable them to do so to an even greater degree.
I have been pleased to obtain Sport England’s strong support for a community sports hub in Alsager and will continue to press to ensure this is delivered—and without further delay. Many of the excellent facilities on the site were built with public money and would not require huge additional sums to re-open for community use.
I commend the hard work of Alsager Sports and Recreation Association towards the development of plans for the site.”