Friday 7 February 2014

Congleton Multi Academy Trust is Lanched


On the 1st February 2014, Congleton High School converted from a Single Academy Trust to a Multi-Academy Trust.  The new Trust is known as "The Congleton Multi-Academy Trust (CMAT)" and is the largest and fastest growing Multi-Academy Trust in Congleton employing over 170 staff providing education to more than 1,000 students.

The CMAT provides support for ‘good’ Primary Schools to convert to Academies without having to establish individual trusts. All eligible local primary schools have been invited to join the Trust. The Trust has been established to provide mutual advantage for ‘good’ local schools to work more closely together.
Fiona Bruce MP, who has been involved with Congleton High School for many years, has agreed to become the patron of the Trust. “Congratulations on this pioneering step which will support young people in Congleton to flourish, make the most of their skills talents and abilities and achieve an even greater degree of success than they are achieving already.”

The Trust is led by David Hermitt, who is Chief Executive Officer and Executive Principal of Congleton High School.  He said “I am delighted that we are able to share our expertise as a well-established Academy with primary schools as they move to Academy status. Local primary schools are considering joining the Trust in April." 

Chair of the Trust, Richard Hinckley, who is a National Leader of Governance, said “As the largest educational institution in the town, it is vital that we support primary schools by sharing our economies of scale. The new Trust allows ‘good’ schools to take mutual advantage of the benefits of Academy status. These are exciting times of rapid change." 

Chair of Finance, Geoff Eardley commented: “I have been a governor at the school for over 35 years and this is a big step in the development of education in the town. We are able to share our financial acumen and ability to secure government grants with all schools in the CMAT. Our strong track record of financial management is a key reason why the Government has given us permission to form this Trust". 

The launch of CMAT provides schools in Congleton with another way to join together to strengthen the educational provision in the town.