Wednesday 18 December 2013

Fiona Bruce MP supports development of UTC in Alsager

Fiona Bruce MP supports development of University Technical College in Alsager
On Monday 9th December Fiona Bruce MP arranged a meeting in Parliament with Lord Baker, National Parliamentary Spokesman on behalf of UTC’s, with whom Fiona has been working with for some time to promote a University Technical College in the local area, and the Alsager Residents Action Group.

The purpose of the meeting was to discuss the potential for a University Technical College to be developed on the site of the former MMU College Campus at Alsager, alongside the retention Community Sports Facilities there, which Fiona has also been campaigning for since her election.

Fiona Bruce MP commented:

“I was delighted to organise and host this important meeting in Parliament and it was clear that Lord Baker was listening very attentively to the constructive comments made by ARAG who have put in a great deal of work on these proposals. I have long enthusiastically championed a UTC on the former MMU site in Alsager which is being so ably promoted by ARAG who have already done so much work to connect with local, regional and national businesses and education sectors which is so important for any UTC to succeed.

Such a use of the excellent buildings developed on the MMU site, with public money, alongside the Community Sports Facilities which I know so many people in and around Alsager want to see would really augment Alsager community life.”

Chas Howard, Chairman of ARAG commented:

“Together with our MP Fiona Bruce, who is championing our proposal, we had an opportunity to discuss our proposal to establish a University Technical College on the Alsager MMU site and receive comments and insights from Lord Baker, which will serve to inform our future development.  This proposal is distinctive because it has been developed from within the very supportive local Community. Regional, national and internationally-recognised employers have also offered strong support as has Staffordshire University.

The benefits for Alsager and the surrounding areas would be very significant, providing employment, exciting new opportunities for children and re-establishing the Town as a significant provider of education.

This was a productive meeting providing a unique opportunity to discuss the proposal with the Chairman of the Baker Dearing Trust, Lord Baker, who was very supportive and provided excellent advice on how to take the proposals further.”